EagleHawk Introduction - Page 3
Sorry, No yummy detauks here. Silver Jade and I have been friends through other internet groups for close to a year now, and we have talked an awful lot through I'm over the year. Very close friends, I'd say even though we've never met and live over a thousand miles apart.
What's really funny is that we've never ever had a conversation about
RPGs. Here she is, totally into
RPGs, and I was completely into the original D&D when it first came out in 76 ot 77. With the three book set and the yearly suppliments, where we had to spend fifteen or twenty minutes looking up the rule for something, because the booklets werem't indexed. Back then it was basically college age and older, because of the terminology and dedication needed to make the
games work. Our group had the distinction of using innocous spells in such ways that they were turned letha. AD&D had specific prohibitions against using spells in the ways that we came up with, after some of our group went to GenCon and used them in tournament play. One example is the Purify Water clerical spell. Low level, fairly harmless, right? Now imagine using it upon the body of a strong monster or enemy leader. Fail saving throw, massive damage when the fluids in the body turn to purified water.
Oh yes, we were very creatve. I kept notes from each game in our quests and what happened in them. I still have the notebooks from my original characters as well as the characters. Good memories, indeed.
On the other hand, since the
games were at night, I pretty much gave up serious bicycling. I was averaging 75 - 125 miles per week before I discovered D&D and had been in great physical shape, sigh.