Jerald Tanner Passed Away

Jerald Tanner Passed Away - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 17th Oct, 2006 - 2:53pm

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4th Oct, 2006 - 12:48pm / Post ID: #

Jerald Tanner Passed Away

I wonder if his wife would be able to continue working on their Ministry? Even though I do not agree with their work, my deepest condolensces to his wife and friends.

Jerald Tanner, that icon of anti-Mormonism who founded the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, died Sunday evening, October 1 at 7:20pm.

An email from Sandra Tanner stated:

Dear friends, Jerald entered heaven's gates today (10/01/06) at 7:20 pm.... He went into a coma last night and didn't give any sign of knowing we were with him today. A memorial service is being planned for Sat. but not sure where--mainly because we aren't sure what size facility we need. Pray for us as we grieve. In Christian Friendship, Sandra Tanner

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Post Date: 5th Oct, 2006 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

Jerald Tanner Passed Away
A Friend

Away Passed Tanner Jerald

I'm confused. You're Mormon, His ministry is anti-Mormon, and the way you said it, it almost sounds like you want his wife to take over his ministry. Maybe I am misunderstanding something...

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5th Oct, 2006 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Jerald Tanner Passed Away Beliefs Religious General

and the way you said it, it almost sounds like you want his wife to take over his ministry

I do not know where did you get such assumption. I just said "I wonder if she will take over the ministry" it was a question, not a wish.

I was trying to me sympathetic about the fact that he passed away, no matter who he was, he was a human being...what do you want me to say? "I hope he goes and burn in hell of fire and brimstone?" :rolleyes.gif:

6th Oct, 2006 - 6:01am / Post ID: #

Away Passed Tanner Jerald

I'm fairly certain the work will continue, whether Mrs. Tanner carries the torch or someone else. It's been rather profitable for them so far wink.gif

Post Date: 17th Oct, 2006 - 2:53pm / Post ID: #

Jerald Tanner Passed Away
A Friend

Away Passed Tanner Jerald

Sandra Tanner has always been the driving force of the Tanner's ministry, so it is unlikely that Jerald's passing will make much difference. Sandra drove the ministry and Jerald followed meekly behind his wife.

So it will be "Business As Usual" for one of the most dedicated anti-Mormon ministries in history, and a continuation of its blindness to the many robust and scholarly rebuttals that have been made to their nefarious work. Sandra is more than a little unlikely to take any more notice of the gross errors that have pointed out to than she has ever done.

With this hostile ministry, the only constant is "No Change!"

> TOPIC: Jerald Tanner Passed Away


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