1972 McLaren M8F
What are your thoughts about the 1972 McLaren M8F vehicle?
Vehicle Model: 1972 McLaren M8F
Car Type: McLaren
Engine Type: Aluminum Alloy Chevrolet big block V8
Displacement: 8360.00 cc | 510.2 cu in. | 8.4 L.
Horsepower: 750.00 BHP (552 KW)
Torque: n.a.
Redline RPM: n.a.
Brake System: Lockheed Discs
Tires: n.a.
Length: 167.001 in | 4241.8 mm.
Weight: 1850 lbs | 839.2 kg
Acceleration MPH: n.a.
Top Speed: 225 mph | 362 km/h
Fuel EPA (1/100): n.a.
Base Price: n.a.
If you have driven the 1972 McLaren M8F give your thoughts on the reliability, durability and overall feel of the car.