Man, its really hard to argue against that comment, and I really want to argue against it, trust me. But more stuff is sold on TV in the United States than any other country. We will buy nearly anything that is on TV from the ridiculous news report to the all-in-one piece of junk from Ronco. The fact is that we are a very visually and audio stimulated people. We don't often need all the facts to give something a try. This is also part of the reason that we buy into so many cults in the United States, we accept without evidence, nearly anything that appeals to us whether it really does what it says or not.
We don't often need all the facts to give something a try. |
I heard that most Americans are gullable enough to buy most anything they see offered on TV, that is why marketing and business is so big in the US. |
Rather off topic, but... When you look at an American advertisement, they do not utilize only a few seconds to sell the product, but sometimes 30 minutes; this is considered a very long commercial and hence the reason, why they renamed it as an "infomercial." |
Don't worry. It is not just in America. I have lived in Japan, Korea and now Taiwan for extended periods of time and each of those countries have Infomercials and Homeshopping Networks. And while I could not understand what was said, the informercials were JUST like the ones in the US. You know the ones where they hold up the little gadget that they are trying to sell and all you here is gasp of joy as if they were having a religious experience. We may have started it, but the infection has spread quickly!
Edited: Vincenzo on 3rd May, 2007 - 5:13am