Could it be then, related to the reasons konquererz pointed out, rather than a racial denominator? (Poverty - Lack of Education - Lack of Opportunity)
By the way - there are lazy Chinese and Indian people, too just in case you thought I hadn't noticed that from the original post.
Could it be then, related to the reasons konquererz pointed out, rather than a racial denominator? (Poverty - Lack of Education - Lack of Opportunity) |
Adverse conditions have different effects on different people. Faced with the same conditions, while one person will struggle for survival, another will get depressed and quite literally, lay down and die.
I am not saying that every poor person who lacks opportunity and education has the right to be lazy - I am saying though, that the 'lay down and die' attitude is simply one reaction to the adverse conditions they live with, daily... regardless once again, of colour, creed, religion or race.
I have lived in Trinidad and in the US.
During my time in the US, I saw alot of horribly obese and lazy white people - obese to the point where their doctors have told them they are doing major damage to their internal organs and will not survive 10 more years... still they continue their self-destructive behaviours. Is that not laziness?
In every country, in every culture, sections of the community are inevitably pointed out as the lazy ones, the stupid ones, the good-for-nothings. That kind of stereotyping only promotes hatred of other classes, even when there is only one race involved. Look at India with their long history of class discrimination, where the "untouchables" were considered not worthy of notice, by virtue of being born into that class.
In North America, Blacks and Hispanics are the (only slightly) PC version of India's untouchables, that's all.
I do not think you fully understand my point. Let me give it another try,
During my time in the US, I saw alot of horribly obese and lazy white people - obese to the point where their doctors have told them they are doing major damage to their internal organs and will not survive 10 more years... still they continue their self-destructive behaviours. Is that not laziness? |
In every country, in every culture, sections of the community are inevitably pointed out as the lazy ones, the stupid ones, the good-for-nothings. That kind of stereotyping only promotes hatred of other classes, even when there is only one race involved |
LDS, I think you're not understanding my point.
It's not that I don't see lazy black, hispanic (I am friendly with quite a few Venezuelans though I can't say I've lived there, only spent time on vacation) people. They are there.
What I am saying, is because your experience has been primarily and extensively among Hispanics, you might have seen more of it there. I am certain from my own experience, that there are lazy people in every and any culture on earth - because, contrary to popular belief, we're all human!
Maybe it's because I've seen far too much stereotyping in my time, but whether you argue it as your experience or not, I will defend my right to say that negatives of the human condition are absolutely not relegated to one subset.
During the time you spent in the US, did you spend much of it among the wealthy white or Jewish Americans? I did. I noticed that they don't cook. They don't clean. They don't mow their lawns. They don't take out their own trash. They don't even look after their own children - they hire blacks and hispanics to do all that for them. Is that because blacks and hispanics are so very lazy?
A (black) friend of mine in the US recently qualified as a registered nurse, in New York. In her graduating class of 180 students, there were all of two white woman - and they insisted they would never clean a bed-pan, they were moving on to administration. The nurses doing all the hard work? Blacks, Hispanics, Filipinos, you name it... definitely not white.
Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is extremely ridiculous to say that Blacks and Hispanics are "the lazy race".