Abstract Painters

Abstract Painters - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 27th Oct, 2006 - 11:39pm

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Highly Controversial: From what people are saying Abstract Painters are just emotionally charged people that cannot keep a steady hand long enough to make a painting that is really worth looking at.
Post Date: 7th Oct, 2006 - 9:55pm / Post ID: #

Abstract Painters

Abstract Painters

From what people are saying Abstract Painters are just emotionally charged people that cannot keep a steady hand long enough to make a painting that is really worth looking at.

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Post Date: 10th Oct, 2006 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

Abstract Painters
A Friend

Painters Abstract

This should incur many opinions from art lovers, art haters, and those who don't care one way or another, alike. Abstract art to me is not really art. You cannot put a dot on a canvas and call it art! If it were that easy, there would be millions more artists than there are and art would be virtually worthless. While I don't believe the starting statement, I do question the abstract artists eye for art and anyone else who claims it is art. If no REAL talent was used to create it, then how can it be art? If I can slosh streaks of different kinds of paint on a canvas with no real picture then how can it be called art?

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2006 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

Abstract Painters
A Friend

Abstract Painters UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I think to say that no abstract art is, well, art would be a stereotype. I look at some abstract art, like Alfred Gockel, and nothing but artistic talent could pull it off. I agree that a dot on a page or a streak does not constitute art. If it does, then I need to put a few dots and market it and never have to worry about tuition again. But there are different types of abstract art and different styles, so I think to base all abstract artists on a few is just ignorance. We wouldn't base all portrait artists on the Mona Lisa. At least, I'd hope not, so I think it all needs to be looked at with an open mind.

27th Oct, 2006 - 3:28am / Post ID: #

Painters Abstract

First off, I must say that there is a great deal of "abstract art" that I consider pretty simple at best. Meaning, a small child could quite possibly give you the same effort with a set of fingerpaints and a 1 minute time limit to create something for mommy. However, there are some pretty awesome and provoking efforts that are made by the truly gifted. Here is a website that gives a pretty good history of abstract art and the best know painters in the different generes:


I have always liked Kandinsky's and Picasso's abstracts.

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2006 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Abstract Painters
A Friend

Painters Abstract

Well Gossip, I can't say for sure because I've never known an abstract artist personally, but I have heard that rumor too.

Some abstract art does look as if it was done by someone with very little patience, but some I enjoy looking at. If the artist uses the right combination of color and texture and utilizes light and shadow to their advantage, the result can be quite stunning. Some of my favorite art is when the background, or almost the whole work is abstract with a small object in the foreground or hidden somewhere done with great detail and realism.

Don Li-Leger does kind of abstract paintings using flora. I would love to design/decorate a home using one of his paintings as the inspiration. Like a Lloyd Wright house, only it would be a Li-Leger house.

> TOPIC: Abstract Painters


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