I've never heard such as aspersion cast on chess players - how strange. I do not agree with it, and while there may be some potential tendency towards some minor habits, I can't imagine playing chess being some sort of determining character factor. I used to play my family quite a bit, and taught my aunt and some other people how to play, but of recent years, I'm not very good, don't concentrate well and have also never been good as strategy games, so I really don't play anymore, mostly by design, but that would make me a casual once-in-a-while player, and me being a pretty non-social person is an exception to the social butterfly assessment for those types.
I am an intermediate chess player and I like to use chess for meeting new people and have fun. In all my game I find always something that makes me think that the chess players are not only calculating person with low personality.
Instead I notice that people with strong personality were very good players. Psychology is one of the component of the players and have a good relationship with others,don't being too shy or introvert ,developing your own abilities makes you in my opinion a stronger opponent. For example I remember that one of my strongest opponents was a mathematics teacher, wonderful painter in Rembrandt-style ,philosopher and International Chess Master.