Matthew Shepard Murder Case
Dennis' Latest Column - We Live in a World of Lies
By Dennis Prager
Remember the terrible murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyo. In 1998 - tortured, beaten and left hanging on a fence to die - because he was gay?
The American people were led from the outset to believe that Shepard was the victim of a hate crime, murdered because he was gay. And that is how virtually every American still views the story. In the words of Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), "Matthew Shepard is to gay rights what Emmett Till was to the civil rights movement." A play based on Shepard's killing, "The Laramie Project" became, according to the Wall Street Journal, "one of the most produced theatrical shows in the country." And in 2009, Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed, the Matthew Shepard Law, which expanded the definition of hate crimes to include crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
It turns out that Matthew Shepard's murder had nothing to do with his being gay. Ref. Source 4
Matthew Shepard Murder Case (Hover)