He is definitely a well educated man having received degrees from Seoul University and Harvard. However, this could be the best or worst time to have a S. Korean as the UN Secretary General. With Kim Jung Il stirring things up north, it will definitely test the new Secretary General. His response will be interesting considering that he had worked for a Non-nuclear Korean Pennisula for several years with people that obviously weren't serious about their initiative:
In 1992, he served as Vice Chairman of the South-North Joint Nuclear Control Commission, following the adoption by South and North Korea of the Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. In September 2005, as Foreign Minister, he played a leading role in the diplomatic efforts to adopt the Joint Statement on resolving the North Korean nuclear issue at the Fourth Round of the Six-Party Talks held in Beijing. - wikipedia |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
This is such a hard situation for Ban Ki-moon and he will feel the pressure from all over the world concerning this issue. His credentials show he is a very educated man but when things start getting "hot" all the education goes down the drain.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I think that Moon is going to have a harsh go at it in the beginning, seeing that he is a neighbor to North Korea. It will be expected that he will come up with a better solution, or be able to talk with North Korea with better success regarding their nuclear weapons. North Korea will also expect him to put more pressure on them being that he is a neighbor, this may make it more difficult for him to be effective in this endeavor.
He however, should not to be under estimated, he is a very educated and intelligent man. I believe that over all, he will make a strong secretary general of the U.N. and do allot of good for the world.