Britarms Model 2000
For what was specific purpose was the Britarms Model 2000 (UK - Pistol - .22 LR) made? How do you measure the Britarms Model 2000 with other types of guns?
Name: Bob
Title: Britarms 2000
Comments: Hi, THe Britarms 2000 was made by Alan Westlake, An innovative British gunsmith, who is still working today, doing nitro conversions of blackpowder revolvers. ( Since Dunblane, we legit shooters in Britain have been penalised for having an interest in shooting pistols. We have had our pistols confiscated (With compensation) and through a quirk of political misunderstanding are only allowed to have and use 'muzzle loading pistols'
The Britarms 2000 was made to be used in NSRA rapid fire 'standard pistol' competition. 5 shots on turning targets within a certain time. Hence the 5 round top loading mags. Mine shoots very well, although I have to go to Europe to shoot it, as I am considered to be a deviant in the UK.
Source 1: See Britarms 2000
Source 2: See Alan Westlake UK Gunsmith