Well I guess he is just keeping his word and he also trying to keep something of his image intact. If he wants to stay as something in the PNM, he would have to tolerate who they put as leader. That must have been a very hard and bitter pill for him to swallow nonetheless.
Name: Vindra
Comments: Patrick Manning reminds me of the prideful rich man who lost all he had and had to eat humble pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Feel sorry for him? I don't think so. In the opening of Parliament he passed the new Prime Minister straight without shaking her hand...then it "seems" like he realized it and literally bow to her (half body) like an almost a sign of veneration towards her.
Partick Manning was a no show at a school event in his constituency where he was listed to speak. Many are beginning to wonder about the very low profile Mr. Manning has taken now that he has been relieved of many of his politically affluent positions.
Those of you who saw the part of Parliament Friday where Brigadier John Sandy, Minister of National Security, referred to Patrick Manning as a "Manic Man"... Do you think he was correct in making that description?
Also, what did you think about Manning's sudden sarcasm against the 'Kamala palace"? Is this to try and play down his involvement in the SIA?