Trinidad & Tobago part of or support the LGBTs
Is the subject of the LGBT Community in Trinidad & Tobago taboo?
If you mentioned to a local that you are part of or support the LGBTs in Trinidad & Tobago will that be taken with objection?
What steps are taken to protect those who fall within: LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQA, TBL living in Trinidad & Tobago?
The PM in Parliament today was asked what are the plans for the LGBT community considering the recent US terrorist act in Florida as well as in changing the buggery law, etc. The PM said that he did not notice it being on the card for discussion but did say all people, including the LGBTQA community are entitled to protection from the police as any other citizen in T&T.
The government doesn't want to touch the subject unless there is a national outcry for it to happen. The LGBT Community here, although now becoming vocal, are still too few in number. They will need the support of the wider public before anything will be carded for discussion.