Define Spam

Define Spam - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 19th Mar, 2006 - 11:05pm

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Spam People have so many definitions of what is spam and what is not spam. Can you define spam? Suppose someone wants to offer you something that you are not interested in - is this Spam if it is a first time contact? What if you do not reply saying you are not interested - then if they contact you again is it Spam?
Post Date: 19th Mar, 2006 - 12:46am / Post ID: #

Define Spam

Define Spam

When do you consider an Email Spam? Suppose someone wants to offer you something that you are not interested in - is this Spam if it is a first time contact? What if you do not reply saying you are not interested - then if they contact you again is it Spam?

Define Spam
Define Spam (Hover)

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Post Date: 19th Mar, 2006 - 2:28am / Post ID: #

Define Spam
A Friend

Spam Define

To me, spam is any kind of unsolicited e-mail that fills my box up. If I did not ask them to send me information, yet they are, then that is spam to me. Even if I have only heard from them once, they are spamming me. I usually report all junk mail before I delete it.

Now, when considering a person spamming a forum, my definition varies slightly. A person spamming the board is a person who either floods the board with nonsense, advertising illegally, or simply posting crap, whether it be a bunch of just once.

Reconcile Edited: BabyBlues on 19th Mar, 2006 - 2:29am

19th Mar, 2006 - 2:56am / Post ID: #

Define Spam Gaming Video & Issues Computer

QUOTE (BabyBlues)
If I did not ask them to send me information, yet they are, then that is spam to me.

So would you say that a salesman who knocks on your door is the practical example of a Spammer? Isn't he just looking for contacts for sales?

Post Date: 19th Mar, 2006 - 3:01am / Post ID: #

Define Spam
A Friend

Spam Define

Yes, I would. If I wanted to buy something, I would go to the store. If I'm at home, then I don't want to be interupted by a salesman. I know it sounds harsh because they are just doing their jobs, and I understand that. But my home is my home, not my place of buying. Now, I had subscribed to a store catalog or something, and they had an option of door salesman who sold the same type of stuff and I gave them permission to pop in sometime, that would be different. A big pain in the butt for the company, yes, which is what makes this an impractical step.

Still, I maintain that if I wanted to buy stuff, then I would go to a store or order online or something of the sort.

Post Date: 19th Mar, 2006 - 9:47am / Post ID: #

Define Spam
A Friend

Spam Define

Spam is different then a simple solicitation for a sale or contact. Spam always goes to far and continues to send unwanted solicitation. Such as in your case JB, if you send an email soliciting your services to someone, that is a sales call in my opinion. But if you send me that email or one like it every single day, thats spam. Most spam is solicitation of the same things over and over and over, thats what makes it spam. Continuous unwanted email solicitation.

19th Mar, 2006 - 12:00pm / Post ID: #

Define Spam

I agree with Konquererz and less with BabyBlues. I do not think an initial contact is Spam, especially when people highlight their Email address on the net via a web page or whatever have you and then consider it Spam when you contact them just because they are not interested. After all, how can you know they are not interested if you do not make an initial contact. Once they express their disinterest then that is understood. I think most people on the net have just become intolerant because of Spam. Remember the days before Spam people used to actually beg you to Email them because they thought it was cool?

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Post Date: 19th Mar, 2006 - 9:44pm / Post ID: #

Define Spam
A Friend

Define Spam

when people highlight their Email address on the net via a web page

That's the difference of what I'm talking about, and what you are talking about. I believe I mentioned in my last post that it was different if somebody had posted on a certain site or something that showed interest in a service or a product. But getting credit card ads and porn ads in my e-mail, I consider it spam, even if it's the first time I've been contacted.

That is my opinion, and I stand by it. Feel free to agree or disagree.

19th Mar, 2006 - 11:05pm / Post ID: #

Define Spam Computer Issues & Video Gaming

QUOTE (BabyBlues)
That is my opinion, and I stand by it. Feel free to agree or disagree.

Cool down BabyBlues, I am well aware that is your opinion and I also know I am free to disagree, hence I stated so.

That's the difference of what I'm talking about, and what you are talking about.

You will notice that I used the word 'especially' which means 'more so additionally'. I still feel people who have not published their Email on a site can be contacted - why - because indirectly you publish it other ways. For instance, if you use an Instant Messenger then you have automatically signed up in another spot. Sometimes defaults have to be set to not allow others to find you.

I believe if someone finds your Email and contacts you once then it is okay to do so, now remember I am saying 'find' as opposed to 'fish' your Email which is what most Spammers do.

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> TOPIC: Define Spam


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