Wow, this is amongst the scariest scenario's one can come up with. We all know what most of the world would do. The UN would send troops, most countries would support it. The US and Great Britain would send the majority of troops. I would guess that France and Germany would send some as well as Australia and perhaps troops from a few other countries. But China is the wild card in all this. I can't predict how China will react in all this. They are friends with North Korea yet they desperately want to be respected as a super power like the United States. What they could do is step in and stop the war, because if it became nuclear, they would be effected by the fall out even if their country were not targeted. But they could take the opportunity to use their military might and bring it to bear and it would be a horrible world war that would drag on for years. The Chinese have the power to win a war, but lack the ability to transport their troops en masse. It would be messy if China decided to enter the fight on the side of North Korea. If they stayed neutral, I think they would eventually get sucked in. But either way, a war with North Korea would be big and messy no matter what.
You can never occupy a country unless you have boots on the ground, but who wants Korea anyway? We have the airpower and the technology to bomb Korea and Iran's nuclear ambitions off the face of the earth. Let's take a whole new direction. They're playing dirty. What would the balance of power look like tomorrow if we took them out tonight? Who would say, "Whew?" And what countries would give us a bad time? We had better learn to play their game, or someday we will get a message that there is a nuclear bomb planted in one of our cities and we have X number of hours to lay down our arms. Now where are we? Taken without a shot? We had better learn to play dirty and quick!
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 10.2%
Play dirty like them? They are building a nuclear bomb for the sole reason of having a stronger place on the world military stage. Of course, thats exactly what every other country with the bomb has wanted as well. I hate the idea that we essentially are ready to go to war because someone won't do what we want. They aren't a third world country, they are modern and bigger than the piddly middle east countries we are threatening. What we need to be doing is learning how to play nice, stop charging in and making demands on sovereign nations and telling them we will force them to do what we want or we will end up getting stomped one day. Its a big world, and we aren't the only ones with the big guns any more. What would you be saying if it was North Korea telling us that if we don't get rid of our nukes they will attack or bomb us? Yeah, turn it around and what is the reaction, its the same as theirs is now!
Konquererz Post ID:98316
I hate the idea that we essentially are ready to go to war because someone won't do what we want. |
Yeah, turn it around and what is the reaction, its the same as theirs is now! |
What we need to be doing is learning how to play nice, |
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 10.2%