This is a sensitive topic, and yet one that can be very interesting to consider. We know from the temple that women have the authority to act in the name of God and by the power there of... Does it mean they too are priesthood holders on a limited basis? Are they ordained to do this work beforehand? Could it be possible that women will one day also have the Priesthood and be considered priestesses? Now, I must mention that there may be a strong inclination to talk about words or ceremonies in the temple, but let us do so ONLY in VERY general terms without mentioning any details or specific words. Thanks.
Mother's Blessings & Sisters As Priesthood Holders (Hover)
We are destined to be Queens and Priestesses! If my husband, to whom I am sealed for Time and All Eternity, is to be a King and Priest, then it is my station (provided I'm found worthy, as well) to be a Queen and a Priestess. Of course.
We are certainly ordained to the HUGE calling of Motherhood - true physical creation, and the raising and training of spirits of our Heavenly Father.
As far as actually holding the Priesthood? That I don't know. But there must be some office of authority to which we are ordained, given our place at our husband's side.
I have read where it was common in the early days of the church for women to place their hand on the head of another and heal the sick. They just did not do it by the power of the priesthood. If you think about it, a women of great faith could give a blessing just as well as a man could. A woman can have as much priesthood power as a man without formally holding the priesthood. Men who are ordained to the priesthood are given the power and authority to act in the assignment they have been given.
Women are given no assignments in the Priesthood but through faith can act in God's name just as men can. I think that when a husband and wife are exalted, the woman, through her righeousness, will have just as much priesthood power as her husband. Although she will not be ordained to any priesthood calling.
Interesting points Gaucho, but can you qualify these statements:
1. A woman can have as much priesthood power as a man without formally holding the priesthood.
2. In the early days of the church for women to place their hand on the head of another and heal the sick.
Women are given no assignments in the Priesthood but through faith can act in God's name just as men can. |
I believe the definition of Priesthood is the Power of God. Men are formally given the Priesthood authority by the laying on of hands. Women are not formally called to the Priesthood but certainly through faith and righeous living have the authority to act in God's name. So, it is my opinion, women can act by the authority of the Priesthood, ( the power of God ) without formally holding the Priesthood. The difference between men and women is the assignment given.
Back to the original question, "Will women ever hold the Priesthood?" If you mean will they ever be ordained to a Priesthood calling, I don't think so. It is not an assignment given to women, but will they have Priesthood power? Yes.
I believe the definition of Priesthood is the Power of God. |
Women are not formally called to the Priesthood but certainly through faith and righeous living have the authority to act in God's name. |
Well, this is an interesting topic to consider.
In the Temple, women do lay hands on one another as part of the ordinances, but we do not hold the priesthood. However, in the Temple we clearly have the authority to use the Priesthood. So, we don't get ordained to the Priesthood, but we do have limited authority to use it. All Temple workers are set apart to that calling. Perhaps that is what gives them the authority to act in such a manner even though that particular authority isn't specified when being set apart.
I cannot speculate on whether or not women will ever hold the priesthood. I don't think we really know. The gospel is a living thing. It does change, as the Lord sees fit. So, we might say today that we don't believe that will ever change, yet 120 years ago, no one would have thought polygamy would be eliminated either. It is up to the Lord to decide. We cannot not predict what he has in store for us in any truly accurate way.
As FarSeer pointed out, all worthy women will in fact be Priestesses one day. Whether that includes a formal ordination to a priesthood office or not, I do not know.
I wonder if women carrying out the ordinances now is a matter of modern day concern for principle or not? What I mean is did Men perform such ordinances on women in olden times - for instance the Patriarch for his family rather than go to a stranger or has it always been this way?