The Church plans to send Apostles across the country to speak to newspaper editorial boards about beliefs of the Church. What is your opinion?
A first of its kind web news conference involved a plea from the LDS church to national news writers to involve them in any discussions about the faith. Then it was opened to questions. "Can you tell me who speaks with authority for the church," one reporter asked. Another reporter questioned, "I wanted to know if you could expand on the church's beliefs on where the resurrection of Jesus Christ will occur?" The church says the discussion is very much fueled by Mitt Romney. Church spokeswoman Kim Farah says if you'd typed in the words "Romney" and "Mormon" in an Internet search a year ago, you might have yielded 15,000 results. Now, she says there are more than 1 million. |
"This is a time when there is a national conversation going on about us. We want to make sure that we do everything we possibly can to help you report that accurately," explained Michael Otterson, public affairs director for the LDS Church. |