2005 Citroen C2
What are your thoughts about the old model 2005 Citroen C2 vehicle?
Vehicle Model: 2005 Citroen C2
Car Type: Citroen
Engine Type: 1.1-liter I4
Displacement: 1124.00 cc | 68.6 cu in
Horsepower: 61.00 HP (44.9 KW) @ 5500.00 RPM
Torque: 69.00 Ft-Lbs (93.6 NM) @ 3200.00 RPM
Redline RPM: n.a.
Brake System: ABS, vented disc
Tires: 175/65 R14
Length: 3,670 mm | 144.5 in
Weight: 935 kg | 2061.3 lbs
Acceleration MPH: 14.4
Top Speed: 98 mph
Fuel EPA (1/100): 36 / 58
Base Price: ? 8,190
If you have driven the 2005 Citroen C2 give your thoughts on the reliability, durability and overall feel of the car.