
Caesareans - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 28th Oct, 2006 - 2:44pm

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A growing trend where Mothers are putting the baby and themselves at risk. Is it that they are choosing the easy way out? What is your view?
Post Date: 19th Oct, 2006 - 7:07pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]




Middle-class white women are increasingly opting for caesarean sections, putting their own and their babies' lives at risk, says a leading midwife.

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Post Date: 28th Oct, 2006 - 5:02am / Post ID: #

A Friend


My wife has had three C-Sections due to issues with our children that required early delivery. She wishes she could have done it naturally and hates having a C-Sections. There are decided risks including death with any major surgery. Not to mention that the recovery time is almost double. There is a high risk of infection of the C-Section wound, two of her incisions got infected and had to be "re-opened" and heal from the inside out. Its really nasty and painful. After watching her and caring for her through three require C-Sections, I can't imagine how a truly informed woman could WANT to get a C-Section.

28th Oct, 2006 - 6:23am / Post ID: #

Caesareans Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I am glad the title reads "having more c-sections" and not more abortions. I think it is great that they are deciding to have children and if a C-Section makes it better for a working wife, then I am all for it. It is a tougher way to go and if anyone thinks this is opting out of the pain of child-birth, they are sadly mistaken (as my sister has told me). My sister has had children both ways and would definitely choose natural in a heartbeat.

28th Oct, 2006 - 1:39pm / Post ID: #


I can't imagine what it will be like to have a C-section. Both of my kids born "naturally" and in the last delivery I was able to recover so fast, the next day I was already around and doing things. I do not understand why a woman would want to go through a major surgery plus a scar in order to avoid pain! Madness.

28th Oct, 2006 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #


I've had two Cesareans, both not of my own choosing. The second one, I had mild seizures afterwards in the recovery room. Very scary. Never had an incision infection, but I understand they are horrid.

The problem with picking a date for a C-section, rather than waiting for the normal process of labor, is that there is no reliable way to determine if the baby is "ready" enough to be born. Aside from valid medical reasons for taking a baby early, there is no excuse for healthy, non-risk mothers and babies to go through all that risk from the surgery itself and the potential effects of premature birth. Not to mention the added cost!

Also, the process of labor itself performs some necessary physical and mental functions for the baby and the mother that we don't fully understand yet - just as we don't fully understand the process of breastfeeding and all that it does for mothers and babies.

One of my good friends once had a scheduled C-section so that they could have the baby before the end of the year -- to claim it for income tax purposes! Ridiculous.

All in my opinion, and some experience smile.gif

> TOPIC: Caesareans


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