Name: Nicholas
Comments: Why is Romney thinking that what happened to him last time will not happen again? America does not see Mormonism as Christian or not Christian enough to vote for him but then again they voted for Obama and a lot of people think he is Muslim so what do I know.
Mormon As President
Mormon Related
Name: Fiona
Comments: If Romney was to become President which I don't think he will, but if he was what kind of things would I have to expect because of his Mormon affiliation?
Fiona - You wouldn't have to expect anything different than with any other politician. From his performance in the last race, it's clear to me that he's just as prone to be a human as any other candidate. Having said that, I would also say that you can expect some things that might not happen: he is less likely to be caught in a sex scandal; he is less likely to be caught in a tax evasion scandal; he is less likely to be caught in a lie. I say "less likely" and not "won't ever be" because even though I believe that Mormons are generally held to a higher standard than most people, they are still people and not infallible. But I would expect a higher standard from any Mormon in public office, particularly the office of President of the United States.
SusieSu - I agree. It won't happen. I think more than anything, this is just a warming up and we will see more Mormons running for office in the future. Whether they win or not is kind of irrelevant right now.
Don Quijote:
To a point I think Romney is just another robber baron. I also don't like a lot of what the republican party stands for. Cuts and privileges for the rich and cutting out the poor. {Do you know that the word privilege comes from the words 'Private law' as in one law for the rich and one for the poor? very telling.}
There is one Republican I would vote for however, because I believe him to be an honest, sincere, caring intelligent man, That would Be John Huntsman Jr.