Democrats Befriend Dictators
What do you think, are the Democrats really like this?
I hope people are intelligent to see through this. Lets go through what really happened with North Korea. Every time they want something more, they say they will build a nuke. We give them gifts or something, and they stop building it. They did it to Clinton, and stopped building the Nukes, we know this because they had inspectors back in. When W came on board, they did the same thing, but bush called him a Pigmy and part of the Axis of evil. Now he is building a Nuke. But he really wants one on one talks with the US, which Bush won't give him. So now they are a real danger, who was right?
Bush and the republicans are now doing the exact same thing to Iran. The fact is that inspectors were allowed in these countries and they stopped building nukes because they got food and aid from us and the UN. We weren't playing nice, we were keeping the world safe. Reagan was the first one to do that because he knew it worked because we provided them with something they needed. Republicans started that idealogy, and republicans started the idea of installing dictators, we have installed several in our history including Saddam Hussein. Why? Because dictators are better than the alternative in many cases. Republicans should stop acting like they didn't do that as well, like they didn't come up with that idea, and acting like it hasn't worked, and acting like doing the opposite hasn't brought us to the brink of war with two other countries!