No Hijab Causes Rape?

No Hijab Rape - Studies of Islam - Posted: 29th Oct, 2006 - 7:21pm

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Given the publicity that this issue has obtained around the globe one has to wonder if these Imams really think about the implications of what they are saying or is this really how Muslims feel?
26th Oct, 2006 - 5:47pm / Post ID: #

No Hijab Causes Rape?

No Hijab Causes Rape?

Did anyone hear of the Imam in Australia who basically said that women who are raped caused their own problem because they are not well covered? I saw the report on the BBC and therefore do not have his exact analogy using a cat and meat left open outside.

No Hijab Causes Rape?
No Hijab Causes Rape? (Hover)

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26th Oct, 2006 - 10:21pm / Post ID: #

Rape Hijab No

No, I didn't see the report, but it doesn't surprise me. It is the old, tired philosophy that the victim CAUSES the crime. It takes the responsibility for action away from the actor, and puts it upon the recipient of the action.

So, according to this Imam, the victim is the cause of the crime, not the perpetrator.


27th Oct, 2006 - 1:59am / Post ID: #

No Hijab Causes Rape? Islam Studies

If you want to gleen a sense for what some islamic's beliefs and teachings are, here is a article about what was said in Australia by the cleric:

I really wish that I could understand the reasons for this type of ideology, but I really just cannot. The idea that uncooked meat left outside and a cat eating it is anywhere close to a woman walking down the street without a face covering getting raped by a man or group of men is rediculous. I think it is more like a baby gazelle that strayed away a bit too far from its family and was greeted by a pack of hyenas that haven't eating in a week.

I know several islamics and muslims. However, they are probably westernized and do not contribute to this line of thought. I do hope this is truly the minority representation of this religion.

28th Oct, 2006 - 10:21pm / Post ID: #

Rape Hijab No

He got a three month suspension from teaching in public which seems rather light. The interesting thing is that his speech was given awhile ago, and it was only after seeing it printed in the newspaper did many women of Islam start an uproar about it. In other words, no men objected or kicked up a fuss over it. I did not hear other Imams speak out against it - did you?

29th Oct, 2006 - 4:13am / Post ID: #

Rape Hijab No

Another example of the oppression of women by men in positions of power. So, essentially, it sounds like this: "Women, cover yourself, because even though I call myself a man, I cannot control my physical urges when I see a woman's flesh. And because as a man I am stronger physically than you are, woman, I will take by force what my body says I must have. But don't blame me; it's your fault for exposing your face in my presence."

Absurd. In my opinion, of course.

29th Oct, 2006 - 4:17am / Post ID: #

No Hijab Causes Rape?

That is exactly what he is saying Farseer, and I wonder if he is talking out of experience, because he seems to condone the would be act to a scalf-less woman. Maybe he came out of the Taliban mentality where they see woman at the same level of dogs - literally.

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29th Oct, 2006 - 6:58pm / Post ID: #

No Hijab Rape

Maybe he hasn't done it in the past (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt), but I'm sure that he would do it if the opportunity arose, simply to teach that woman a lesson.

29th Oct, 2006 - 7:21pm / Post ID: #

No Hijab Rape Studies Islam

Sickening, sadly enough it does not happen within Islam only. It happens within Christianity too in a similar way. I am not surprised by this guy's statements, I am sure there are a lot of people who think just like he does.

Rather off topic, but...
The reason I mentioned Christianity too is because I read the other day how this actress Jessica Alba a "born again" Christian since a teenager, left her religion after she talked to her pastor and told him how some "older and married" men from their Church keep making advances on her. What was the reply? Basically that it was her fault for dressing provocative and for being attractive. rolleyes.gif It is not the same as rape I know but similar mentality.

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