Supermercado De Walmart
I heard that the new Supermercado De Walmart for Spanish speakers that are opening around the USA are making English White Americans upset. Is this true?
Name: Andy
Comments: Yes. Walmart is remodeling Neighborhood Markets in West Phoenix, AZ and Houston that are in a high Latin-based ethnic area. I am not aware of any controversy in the Phoenix area. The company just recently released this information although the Mi Sombrero Project C-Store for a while. Many associates will actually be coming from other area stores along with hiring from the area. All applicants are encouraged to be BI-lingual.
Name: Jose
Comments: yes I'm an associate at the new "Supermercado De Walmart" and yea its mainly for Hispanic people, its more like a supermarket with about 80% of the products sold there are imported from Mexico, its a very very different store compared to the Neighborhood Market.