Recipe name:
Lady Apple Fruit Wreath****fjvs25a Recipe category:
Baked Goods
What are your thoughts about this delicious dish? Recipe detials: Lady Apple Fruit Wreath****Fjvs25a
16 oz. Jar Whole Spiced* 3 oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese** 1 t Milk*** 2 dr Red Food Coloring**** 1/3 c Chopped, Toasted Pecans Bunch Parsley or Watercress *INGREDIENT LIST SHOULD READ: 1 16-oz. jar whole spiced crabapples, drained. **INGREDIENT LIST SHOULD READ: 1 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened. ***INGREDIENT LIST SHOULD READ: 1-2 tsps. milk. ****INGREDIENT LIST SHOULD READ: 2-3 drops red food coloring. In small bowl, combine cream cheese, milk and food coloring. Mix until smooth and creamy. Frost each apple, using scant teaspoonful of cheese mixture, half-way up sides, covering bottom of apple. Dip bottoms of apples in chopped pecans. Arrange apples in wreath of parsley or watercress around meat. I have never tried this recipe. It comes from my "Pillsbury Festive Holiday Recipes" cookbook, Classic #13. Marilyn Sultar |