Yes, this is the one thing I can't stand. When I was young I moved into a very white and very Protestant area. Well, being Greek and Italian I have a lot more color than the kids I went to school with. And, my last name has ten letters, much different than the names of the kids I was in school with. Being different meant I was a target. I endured, learned to defend myself, found some friends, and eventually grew a bit stronger than my tormentors. From that I learned two things, losing a fight wasn't the worst thing in the world and you could learn from the experience. Second, bullying was bad, I wouldn't do it and I would protect those who were being bullied.
I know there is a lot of stuff that goes on that people get bullied for. All you have to be is different in some way from them and they feel that means you can be bullied. They just seem to not understand everyone is different in some way. I am glad that Kate was able to open up about it to help others.
Yes, this is the way that famous people can help things to get better. I have to admit, I very rarely listen to them when they try to spout off about this or that pet cause, whether it be climate change or for whom to vote. I'm not saying I don't pay attention to the issue, I do, I just don't listen to them. They know no more than most everyone else and often times less. Being famous does not make them an expert on this or that cause, or even does it make them particularly smart. But when it comes to everyday things like bullying, things that all humans can identify with, here they can help.