But if this is the case, that the church decides to neglect teaching the deep doctrine because they want to attract masses, then wouldn't the church be neglecting the very people that it should be most interested in obtaining?
For example, a football team that has easy and short practices might attract a greater number of players then a team that puts heart and soul into their practices, but we all know that the second team will be much better.
Does the Lord really want to sacrifice quality for quantity?
You know; not to get off subject or anything; but the reason I chose Brigham Young as my Advatar is because He was the prophet of our time. He did not what the people thought was right, but what was right in God's eyes. No other prophet went against the masses as did he.
Joseph Smith, if given the time, would had done no different, would have said no different, than what Brigham Young did and said, while in the Spirit. Although the prophets toned it down a lot after Brigham Young left doesn't mean they are still not prophets. Prophets have many purposes, and all are not the same.
The reason two thirds of the Church will fall away is because of this very discussion. The Church refuses to feed the ones who need it most and let those who can't or won't accept the Gospel go. If everyone understood the Gospel like the early Saints did there would not be such a huge falling away, but for whatever reasons the Church has decided to take this course we all know they are not all pure. If they were then we would not be given the Spirit to ask why, because we would know and understand.It would be made clear to us by those in authority.
Remember the Church is true, but sometimes it's members are not. What that means is God is still with the Church but not all the members are with God. Pray that you will hear the Voice when it calls and that you will have faith enough to follow.
This Thread seems to be going towards a direction that it is not meant to. This Thread is about the Members' reaction towards Doctrine they may be unfamiliar with and not which Prophet taught more 'acceptable' Doctrines. Threads for that are in the following:
* The Prophet said so, is that enough? (Mature) Source 1
* The Prophet Said So & The Search For Truth (Mature) Source 3
You know, we're discussing what the typical member answers when a controversial doctrine is mentioned but let's be honest, it comes from somewhere whether is subtle or not and is the Church who encourage the "basic" thinking and not getting involved too much with the mysteries. For me and I am sorry to say this, it goes against everything Heavenly Father has told us in the scriptures.
Name: Downie
Comments:I experienced the subject of this page a lot recently. I had some questions and because the class and the teacher, who professes to be a 'scholar', couldn't answer it they passed it off as being not important for salvation thus my question was not important. Since when do we decide what is important for other members salvation or not?