Just last night, my uncle died in an airplane crash. The family is devastated and everyone is so upset. He was only 47 years old and still had a lot that he wanted to do in his life.
I am new here and people don't know me that well... I am the kind of person who is always happy, I like to live life to the fullest because you never know what will happen. Just like the accident with my uncle.
Here is my advice to everyone:
Live life to the fullest and always be happy. Never be angry over stupid things and try to avoid arguments. You never know when something can happen.
I regret not getting to know my uncle as well as I could hvae. i have not told any one in my family this yet, but this has taught me to get as close to some people as you can. I just want to know if any one else out there has any advice for someone going through something like me and my family are?
Kim, I'm so sorry about your uncle's death. I lost my uncle two years ago, he committed suicide and he was around the same age than your uncle. He was like a father to me since he raised since I was a year old.
Therapy helped me a lot to deal with his lost and the tragic circumnstances surrounding it, then allow myself to heal by crying and mourning (I think it is a very important part because we need to do it in order to feel better later on).
I don't think a person could ever overcome the death of a relative but we can learn how to deal with it. The hope that the person is in a better place with God, is a great hope for all the loved ones the person left.
Hey KimmyKoo. I can slightly say that I know how you're feeling. I've got a girl that's like a little sister to me and her father passed away two weeks ago from a weak heart. Though he passed on the way he had wished to years prior, playing his drums in the church he belonged to. Sad thing was that he was still fairly young as well. Along with that, my boyfriend, Areken, just lost his grandfather yesterday morning. Let your friends know what's going on and they should be there for you. Trust me, I know, this has been a month in hell for me. Everyone around me has slipped into depressions, cutting, and it's all been a bit much. Though, as I promised myself a long time ago. As a person on the side, all that can be done is to be there when you're needed, and keep their spirits up. I myself don't think crying really gets anywhere. Crying seems to hurt more after a time, and laughing is just plain out better than anything else.
Hey i'm really sorry to hear about you uncle that is a tragedy when someone you love dies especially before their time. I know how you feel and can relate I have had so many people I love die tragically. Last week a really good friend of mine in Ontario was killed in a drive by shooting, I was devastated when her mom emailed me...
Name: Anthony
Comments: Today is an odd day for me. This past Monday my favorite aunt (guardian) died from cancer. She was told of this disease just 9 or 10 months ago, and it spread throughout her body in a short time. My wife's grandmother was told one month ago that she has less than a year to live because of cancer. Up until today, the emotions were fine. But, for some reason, I feel depressed and emotionally drained.
My family lives about 13 hours from me, so therefore I will be driving home for the funeral this weekend. It seems like the closer it gets to facing my family, the more emotions I'm starting to feel. I don't want to cry or be seen as being out of control. I want to be the strong one in the family. My aunt was the glue that kept our family together. Her dying has the same affect as a president of a country dying. I don't know if my family will recover normal after this.
I feel a lot better since I've written about it. Still feel some pain. Everybody at work keeps reminding me by asking me if I'm alright. I wish that they would just go about their business as if everything's alright. I don't know.