My wife is actually only two years my younger. But I voted 6-10 years. My parents are seven years apart, so age has never been considered a factor in marriage once you get older. Of course, at some point there is to much of an age difference. I don't really know when that is, I would be making a case by case judgement since there are exceptions to every rule.
This quiz should be a moot point. This should depend upon the maturity of the couples and their goals. A to year difference at 20 is much different than a 10 year difference at say 55. Life experiences, education and economic status also come into play. Tensions in marriage will be caused by disparate views and beliefs. Age, overall is a minor factor in most cases except to the parents with a 16 year old daughter.
Often depending on the culture of the person...
My great grandparents (my great grandma is still live) were 35 year apart and probable the happiest arranged marriage ever. They really loved each other and when my great grandfather die (when I was 3) my great grandma was so heartbroke... age is not matter, I do not think. Not at all.
As for me, I will say 20 year max (only for myself) because this is regularity in China to married at age 30-35 and I respect it. ^_^ Edited: IriChan on 17th Nov, 2005 - 2:58am
It depends. When I was in HS, I wouldn't date a person over a year younger than myself. Now, I won't date anyone over 3 years younger than myself. As I get older, I'll probably let that slide until it gets to about 6 years younger - but I don't think I'll ever let it get longer than that.
I have to vote 6 - 10. My fiancee is almost 6 years older than I am. I don't really believe that it is the age difference that really should be the issue. I think it is more about the maturity level. If you have a 20 yr old with a 15 year old mind, then surely a 25 year old wouldn't be right for the situation. However if you have an 18 yr old with the maturity of a 23 yr old how would that make it different? I have found that most young ladies my age really are not at the maturity level that I look for in someone. I guess it is because I act like an OLD man a lot of time but I really don't know.
I guess I would have to say 2-5 years, although it does depend on the relationship and person.
I am married, but if I were not, I would not even contemplate dating anybody younger than myself, just personally speaking, I think that the maturity levels of difference would be too great.
Again, it is personal choice, but I don't think I would date anybody over 5 years older than myself.
I suppose by doing this you would have to accept that you are limiting further your choice of dates!