Trinidadians Eat With Their Hands?
Why do some Trinidadians (Trinis) Eat With Their Hands?
There are certain foods that Trinis prefer to eat with their hands such as Roti and Doubles. I am not very sure why but I suppose is a cultural thing just like Hispanics eat their "empanadas" with their hands. I also see a strong Indian influence where a lot of Indian dishes are eaten with your hands.
I understand certain foods must be eaten with your hands but rice? (I have seen people eaten rice with their hands) that's a bit too much for me.
Eating with our hands is very much attributed to the Indian Culture, there are many Indians from Trinidad and other Countries who still eat with their hands today.
There are certain dishes which most Indians can relate to which is specifically saved for eating with their hands.
At, Poojas (Pray ceremonies) and Hindu Weddings, Traditionally all foods are eaten with your hands.
Besides all that has been said, I would say that as a Trini I enjoy eating certain things with my hands, but do not think I will go as far as eating rice and dhal like that (which I have also seen in person). With that said, if I am buying doubles off the street I will of course not touch the actual food with my hands.
Some say you are a true Trini if you can eat a doubles with two fingers - I say you are a true Trini if you can eat doubles without actually touching the channa, sauce, or bara! There is more of an art to me in eating a doubles without having to soak your unwashed hands into it.
Now, if you walk with some hand sanitizer then I think situation is solved, but I am still not sure I would use my fingers to actually touch the food.
I really don't think you can enjoy eating with you hands if you never did growing up. The main reason people eat with the hands is because of the ambiance it adds to the food eating experience.
Washing your hands is compulsory etiquette before eating with them!
I'm suprised that eating with your hands is such a far fetched idea...
Up to this day, I think a plate of dhal, rice and curried chicken, tastes better when you eat it with your hands...haha. All of you should give it a try at least once. It's easier than you may think;)