And here is where I disagree with Senator McCain. First, that CIA program has been a complete failure. Second, we have better resources to do this mission if we really want to do it. Third, do we really want to do it? If so, then we need to commit as a nation. If not, then we need to cut bait. I'm not sure we really want to commit. I think we should and chase the Russians out of there… but I don't think the rest of the nation is with me on that and for good reason. There are huge pluses and minuses on both sides of this.
I am one that feels that we should not be involved in a civil war at all in Syria. Just like with Somalia we need to stay out of civil wars period. I would rather see all of our help in Syria to come to a end let the Russians have it. There is nothing there for us.
Believe me, I understand where you are coming from. I've been there and it is not a nice place and there really aren't any good guys. Many of my friends are with you. My main issue concerns US interests and Russia. We chased Russian influence out of the Middle East 30+ years ago. President Obama's policies, backed by Clinton [By The Way], allowed them back. The Middle East is an important strategic area for us and our allies. If we could chase the Russians back out of the area it would be a good thing. The question then becomes, at what cost? That cost will be US lives and many of them are people I know. That said, it is what we signed up to do.
The same policies that were made over 30 years ago are no longer valid especially in the middle east. With Syria having no resources for us it is a waste of man power and US lives. We have more important issues in the middle east to address. I could care less if Russia is in Syria as they have been on our side more than not in the past 200+ years minus the cold war. We have Iran, Isis and Lebanon that are more of a issue than Syria. I think even John does not understand all of it.
I agree McCain doesn't understand all of it. And I hear your assessment… and in a Machiavellian sense you are completely correct. In that sense we should sit down with Russia and just split the world up. But that is not what the US stands for and it would be a betrayal of our ideals I think.