Dr. Amery Browne
This Thread is to Discuss your thoughts about the PNM political MP known as Dr. Amery Browne.
Image from ttparliament.org.
Dr. Amery Browne (Hover)
I have met Dr. Browne on several occasions and always found him to be a very straightforward person that deals with and for the people unlike other Ministers that just send their secretary to see you but expect your vote later on when they need it.
Name: Joanne
Comments: Dr. Browne is the only politician I trust because he meets with his constituency and tries to help you and I suppose that's why some of the PNM clique wants to get rid of him and a few others, they want people they can corrupt and bribe. I am saddened at the idea that he will no longer represent us if they reject him.
TV6 chose to focus on Dr. Amery Browne this evening. They interviewed a few people from his constituency who claimed they wanted Dr. Amery Browne back. One person was indifferent. The PNM screening committee will meet again on the 13th of April, 2015 to review the second round of potentials. Will Dr. Amery Browne be chosen again? Even Prakash Ramadhar of the COP said Dr. Amery Browne is a good man.
Word is they won't have the meeting on Diego Martin Central until Wednesday. Apparently they can't find no one suitable yet. That should tell them they need to run with Dr. Amery Browne.
Its official now, the PNM does not want Dr. Browne to run in the next election instead choosing someone they rejected before: Darryl Smith. Too bad, Dr. Browne was one of the most approachable politicians I've ever known.