Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body - Page 2 of 2

QUOTE (Amonhi @ 10-Sep 08, 7:22 PM) - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 14th Oct, 2008 - 6:05pm

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Does nothing for my eyes...
23rd Nov, 2007 - 3:30pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body - Page 2

My point of emphasis with this is that if you are at a spiritual level where such things are of no interest to you then it will not be necessary to ask the Lord to remove it. I will give a for instance... for many of us if we are offered crack cocaine then it will be easy for us to refuse, it is not like we then have to start praying that the Lord stops any further temptations about it or interaction with people who use it since it is of no consequence and we move on. The same maybe true with when you see the naked body of another. Now, let us be clear, I am not saying that we should seek to look at a naked body because we are bullet proof, I am merely talking about those things for which we have no power over. I will also add... to keep up this spiritual level takes a lot of work, one cannot sustain the level without nourishment.

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Post Date: 10th Sep, 2008 - 11:22pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body
A Friend

Body Naked Doctrine Mormon

I think watching a naked body brings emotion to any individual: some excitement, others disgust, others shock...

I was going to disagree, but then I realized that it depends on my personal state. Sometimes I laugh because you see them bent or contorted in such ways that must be uncomfortable. I could only imagine what they would look like walking like that with their hip or butt to the side or back and chest out. Can you imagine seeing someone at the store shopping like that? HAHAHA! Sometimes I get annoyed and feel bothered, I hate popups. Sometimes it looks interesting for one reason or another.

If you go to a nudist beach, you begin to realize that nude has nothing to do with sex. Also, as a doctor or a massage therapist you begin to see the body differently. You will see exactly what you want to see. In most cases we want to see the illusion. It is actually a big let down when you begin to see past the portrayed illusion. If I am attracted to it, I ask myself what is it that appeals to me about the 2-D picture? It is always not the picture but what is happening inside my head.

It was absolutely traumatic for me and I still recall the experience. Having never seen at that point of time, a naked man it was a very, very scary experience.

This can also be affected by education. My daughter has been raised in such a way that she does not associate nudity with anything but normal behavior. She herself is comfortable being nude and being around nude people. She is not even phased by it. She is only 7 years old. She doesn't think of sex when she sees a nude body. She doesn't wonder about the differences between men and women, she isn't drawn by the mystery hidden behind the cloths. I tell you, go to a nude beach and see a 250 pound nude woman playing with her kids and just observe. Eye opening... Oh, and I have never seen a model posing at a nude beach. ;-)

Is there a thread regarding nudist Mormons here? Very interesting topic...

I do not think it inappropriate to ask the Lord to remove images seen from ones mind, if that is possible, even when they were viewed on accident.

The more you try not to think about it, the more you think about it. ;-) One problem I have with the church youth program is the incessant focus on not being sexually physical. For example:
Petting is not aloud and can lead to sex! Don't pet! That means don't touch a girls special parts with her clothes on or off. It is ok to hold her hand or maybe put your hand on her leg, but not too close her crotch.

laugh.gif, What thoughts when through your mind while reading that? If you study it, I promise you will come up with some images. Good intentions gone bad.

I will give a for instance... for many of us if we are offered crack cocaine then it will be easy for us to refuse, it is not like we then have to start praying that the Lord stops any further temptations about it or interaction with people who use it since it is of no consequence and we move on. - JB

yes, we can get to the point where seeing a naked body does not make us feel like we are doomed to remember it forever and be plagued with it or tempted to see more. Yes, this is possible, but not with fear about it. Moth to a flame thing...

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Persephone: Please use the Quote Tags here. When you do not use these tags source material that is not your own may appear to be yours when it is not. See our Constructive Posting Policy.

11th Sep, 2008 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body Studies Doctrine Mormon

Amonhi, I disagree on some points:

She herself is comfortable being nude and being around nude people. She is not even phased by it. She is only 7 years old. She doesn't think of sex when she sees a nude body. She doesn't wonder about the differences between men and women, she isn't drawn by the mystery hidden behind the cloths.

What is a 7 years old girl doing around nude people when she is nude herself? Aren't you concerned about the pedophiles all around us? Personally, as a mom I wouldn't allow any of my kids being naked around people. I understand how she was raised but the sickos out there have not.

11th Sep, 2008 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Body Naked Doctrine Mormon

I am a little perplexed at the notion of children walking around without clothes on. My wife and I won't even walk around my 5 boys without clothes if we can help it (though with that many kids it happens). If I had a daughter I would be much more careful, as there would come a point in her life that me walking around naked would just embarrass her and give her nightmares.

It is probably more cultural than anything, as my Grandma went to Africa on a Mission and said all the children walk around with little to nothing on in certain areas.

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2008 - 11:10pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body
A Friend

Body Naked Doctrine Mormon

What is a 7 years old girl doing around nude people when she is nude herself? Aren't you concerned about the pedophiles all around us? Personally, as a mom I wouldn't allow any of my kids being naked around people. I understand how she was raised but the sickos out there have not. - LDS_Forever

We don't send her the mall alone naked. She does not run around nude 24x7, although she would want to. (Some communities are entirely nude 24x7, children and adults. You might think they were sex sanctuaries or pedophile magnets. But they are not in the least.)

Remember, we are coming from very different spheres of truth so this may seem very wrong to you.

The few times we have taken her to nude beaches, we have been swimming as a family, together. Hawaii has some great secluded beaches! (I am sure this isn't taken well.) Funny enough, nude cultures are very protective of each other against predators. Porn looses all power for those who are familiar with the naked human body as a normal experience. For example Doctors, Nudists, etc. However it is largely us who choose the experience we want to have.

It is not the lack of clothing that creates the mystery, but presence of it. The porn industry feeds on illusion. That illusion cannot exist in the light of reality, only behind camera tricks, makeup, unnatural poses and clothing. Do a search on "LDS nudist" I am sure it will be an eye opener.
What is a 7 years old girl doing around nude people when she is nude herself? Aren't you concerned about the pedophiles all around us? Personally, as a mom I wouldn't allow any of my kids being naked around people. I understand how she was raised but the sickos out there have not. - LDS_Forever

We don't send her the mall alone naked. She does not run around nude 24x7, although she would want to. (Some communities are entirely nude 24x7, children and adults. You might think they were sex sanctuaries or pedophile magnets. But they are not in the least.)

Remember, we are coming from very different spheres of truth so this may seem very wrong to you.

The few times we have taken her to nude beaches, we have been swimming as a family, together. Hawaii has some great secluded beaches! (I am sure this isn't taken well.) Funny enough, nude cultures are very protective of each other against predators. Porn looses all power for those who are familiar with the naked human body as a normal experience. For example Doctors, Nudists, etc. However it is largely us who choose the experience we want to have.

It is not the lack of clothing that creates the mystery, but presence of it. The porn industry feeds on illusion. That illusion cannot exist in the light of reality, only behind camera tricks, makeup, unnatural poses and clothing. Do a search on "LDS nudist" I am sure it will be an eye opener.

Fear is not of God. But calculated empowerment is.

If I had a daughter I would be much more careful, as there would come a point in her life that me walking around naked would just embarrass her and give her nightmares.

Why embarrassed? Because your daughter was not raised the way my daughter was. My daughter is not embarrassed by her body or her parents bodies. Why nightmares? Do Doctors have nightmares? Do Coroners have nightmares? (Maybe they do about dead naked bodies chasing them, but not because they are naked, but because the are being chased by dead bodies.)

It is probably more cultural than anything, as my Grandma went to Africa on a Mission and said all the children walk around with little to nothing on in certain areas.

Yes it is very much cultural. Our feelings toward the naked body are largely learned by culture and our religious mindset. It is my opinion that we learn to recognize what culture has taught us, right or wrong and then decide whether or not we like the results of our cultural programming. In the case of nudity, my wife and I find that there are significant negative effects in the area of sexuality. Many of these effects can be over come via a healthy nude experience or two.

Years ago a neighbor kid came to our house when we just moved in. We had a 3.5 foot doll that was my wives as a child. It didn't have clothes on it and was in a box in the garage. The kids were going through the boxes looking for toys and this little boy grabbed the doll went to our front lawn and began to "play" hump it. We were talking to his adopted mother and she was embarrassed and chased him home swinging her arms and swearing at him. My wife and I looked at each other big eyed. It was clear he had been exposed to something and we didn't want our daughter to share his ideas. So we protected her from that. That little boy had associated nudity with sex. It would do him a world of good while he was still young to take him to a nude beach to sit and watch. He would see naked people playing and having fun and it would completely contradict his previous experience that nudity means sex. He has a particular cultural programming that I believe is not healthy.

For our daughter, we can either let the culture program her with whatever comes in contact with her accidentally or we can proactively show her the healthy aspects of all areas of life.

Fear is not of God. But calculated emppowerment is.

If I had a daughter I would be much more careful, as there would come a point in her life that me walking around naked would just embarrass her and give her nightmares.

Why, it is natural.

Oh, one more thought:
Titus 1:15 - Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
By cleaning out your mind and conscience such that it is pure, we can see all things as pure.
Mark 7: 15.
  15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

This includes accidentally viewing porn. It is not the picture that defiles us. It is only an illusion that we either choose to believe or not. It is only what happens inside of us that can defile us.

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Persephone: Please look at how we use the Quote Tags here. When you do not use these tags source material that is not your own may appear to be yours when it is not. See our Constructive Posting Policy.

20th Sep, 2008 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body

QUOTE (Amonhi)
Do a search on "LDS nudist" I am sure it will be an eye opener.

That made me grin and I did search. I need to start more Threads... "LDS Nazi", "LDS Zionist", "LDS Playboys", LDS Skinny Dippers... and the list goes on. I want to believe that yes, one can reach the level I mentioned in this Thread... BUT one also must realize that the MAJORITY of people have not. Put a Miss Universe naked in a cathedral of cardinals and priests and how many will try to grab a look?

Yes it is very much cultural. Our feelings toward the naked body are largely learned by culture and our religious mindset.

True. In many cultures the woman's breasts are not portrayed as they are in Western Culture. The breasts of the woman are seen as what gives milk for babies. However, we do not live in such cultures and should be guarded.

This includes accidentally viewing porn. It is not the picture that defiles us. It is only an illusion that we either choose to believe or not. It is only what happens inside of us that can defile us.

Granted, hence we must be genuine in our spirituality. Outter showing of 'spirituality' and little inside leaves for rotted tree that falls. I have seen many men like that. They are seen by other to be so 'nice' so 'spiritual', but I detect the falsehood, and when I point it out I am told I am too 'Churchy', or that I think I am 'the Anointed'. Those who said that ended up falling in the exact manner pointed out, and now, where are my accusers?

Rather off topic, but...
Amonhi, if after the first quote you put the name then we can tell who you are quoting like this: "quote=JB" will automatically show that you are quoting me.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 20th Sep, 2008 - 3:14am / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine: The Naked Body
A Friend

Mormon Doctrine Naked Body - Page 2

I Used to look at porn and loved the physical form of women. To the point that it made me water at the mouth sometimes. In private and public. I loved the form of women and what they could give me, without understanding it. O.K I am just sharing that. A while ago I thought to myself that I didn't want to be like that. The addiction made me feel crazy at times. Among other problems that I had; This was one of those things that I found disturbing. I didn't want to be a 50 year old perv looking at a 20 year olds lustfully. I think that is very rude now.

I have found that as soon as I wanted to change and began to repent of my ills that it all started to change. In fact, women that flaunt what they got get frustrated with me when I don't look at them in a ravishing type of way. They even go further many times. Church women to.

It is very weird. And I am still red blooded.. I don't know, but it has all changed. It has taken a while. I am not 100% cured, but it is just a fraction of what it used to be. It still crops up here and there, but it doesn't last long.

I still desire women very much (if not more). It is just becoming more of a spiritual thing and not so much ruled by the flesh.

In other words, I am more attracted to the spiritual cleaner women.

I may have more understanding to obtain, but I think I know what you are talking about JB, Dbacker, and others.

I am still fairly young to, so you can't say it is an old mature thing. I think it is more of a choice and a desire for being better. A different taste maybe.

I know what I want now. I think that it is the spirit at work. The spirit has a tendency to kick out the natural man.

Reconcile Edited: Quasar on 20th Sep, 2008 - 3:19am

14th Oct, 2008 - 6:05pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Doctrine Naked Body Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

QUOTE (Amonhi @ 10-Sep 08, 7:22 PM)
One problem I have with the church youth program is the incessant focus on not being sexually physical.

Did I read correctly? Did he just wrote a "problem"? How Amonhi can have a problem with the Church teaching the youth NOT being sexually physical is beyond me. What is he expecting them to teach? To go ahead and have sex? Well I guess after encouraging others to masturbate while singing a hymn, all this just comes natural to him.

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