So many words but so little that can really been said that the picture does not make abundantly clear already. Islam is an extreme religion that teaches violence on nearly every page of the koran. If it is taken literally, then violence will ensue. Teaching this to children, teaching them to take the Koran literally, and teaching them to be comfortable with weapons ensures a new generation of psychotically faithful Muslims that will be there to kill the enemies of Allah. Its simply appalling how children are brain washed by faith.
The interesting thing about this is that hate is bred instead of peace. Instead of holding a Koran or even some school books he is holding a grenade. A grenade is only good for one thing: blowing things up. Sadly, Islamist mostly target human civilians when they choose to 'blow things up'. This photograph shows that the Islamist of tomorrow will be worst than the Islamist of today - why - because they are becoming more and more equipped and younger than ever.