The price of oil is all the way down to US$40 - it has been down from the US$100+ that it used to be for a number of months now, and yet I have not seen ANY significant reduction in the cost of goods in Trinidad & Tobago - its all the opposite - it continues to rise! Where is the public outcry?
According to TV6 and the Governor of the Central Bank, Trinidad & Tobago is now officially in a recession. This means that there will not be any 'splurging' ahead. What could possibly happen: more layoffs, lack of commerce, and greater crime. Thoughts?
Here we go. As of today the price of gas and diesel has gone up. Look out, maxi taxi, taxis and general transportation fares will go up and so will everything else. Its time to cut back and save as well as protect yourself as this will lead to more crime.
Went to the grocery and saw a small pack of nuts is now $4. A few months before it was $3.50 and a few months before that it was $3. The excuse of high oil prices is no longer with us and yet we see the prices going up.
Name: George
Title: General election or IMF loan?
Comments: It now seems most likely that the Prime Minister may have to eat his words when he said he would not allow his government to borrow money from the IMF. With the local economy almost on the brink of collapse unemployment and crime rising,no prospects of any new jobs and the police failing to halt the flow of serious crimes,ans an upsurge in general lawlessness, citizens becoming more resentful day by day there is cause for concern. We need the finance now in order just to keep our head above the water line. Any income from our natural resources are now used for repaying interest on bonds, catching up with mountainous outstanding local debts and being wasted on a grand scale by paying lobbyist (Our minister of propaganda without a portfolio) in America. The only way to avoid borrowing from the IMF is to call a general election and past the burden onto a new government These smart men here may still go for a loan from IMF,and put the nation in more debt. So look forward to the big climb, down or either a call of an early election manipulated in a fashionable way to fool the ordinary citizens.
Name: George
Title: Junk status economy
Comments: Well,well,well, I see the international organization Moody's Investors Service has downgraded T&T to what the investors call 'JUNK' status. Which was followed by the downgrading of the status of our nation by another well known American firm dealing in financial matters of the world's nations. What ever happened to our economy and rich status in the Caribbean ?. After all, these so-called local brilliant politicians dealing in financial matters here must have seen this coming,and should have done something meaningful for our future survival,instead of their reliance only on the income from gas and oil. Politicians just can't go on milking the Treasury funds to satisfy their personal greed,plus allowing the criminals to rule the roost without dire consequences which we are now faced with. The repercussion of all this upheaval is now going to be felt not by the already well off here but by the ordinary citizens who will have to pay the price to keep the already wealthy in good stead. With the depletion of our oil and gas resources.(And the waste of money in trying to find more of these commodities, as we have run out of these resources due to over producing to meet especially the personal financial needs of our so called smart politicians and foreign investors).. What is likely to happen in the near future?. Your guess is as good as mine, bearing in mind that almost all of our other once local profitable resources and long established industries such as sugar production has been deliberately shut down, because they could not compete with the quick gain and access of money made from oil and gas.. With no real attempt to implement diversification, our future looks very bleak indeed.The only thing that is certain here now, is more pulling of the wool over the eyes of our vulnerable ordinary citizens by those in power and in positions of authority to quell the anxieties of those citizens.