Mormon Media Observer: Glenn Beck target of blind bigotry again
The decidedly anti-Mormon Christian Post quoted evangelical bloggers about their concerns about having a Mormon speak. The online site wrote: "With Liberty's commencement about three weeks away, the school's announcement Friday is expected to fuel many more debates on Mormonism and whether or not evangelicals should align with like-minded (though theologically different) Mormons in the social arena amid America's moral decline." Ref. Source 7
Van Jones: Glenn is 'genius'
Van Jones was giving a speech this week and landed on the subject of Glenn. His comments were interesting. Glenn plays the audio clip where Jones gushes about Glenn's genius, but why is he really being nice? Check out the debate on radio today. Ref. Source 2
Name: Zack
Comments: I've never seen a member generate more conversation over opinions concerning Glenn in or out of the church.
As far as his rough around the edges on occasions comments are concerned, I think God would find him to be a breath of fresh air.
I can tell that many of you come from fairly steril spiritual backgrounds and don't have the first clue when it comes to having been exposed to some pretty harsh realities in life beyond what many of you would consider harsh involving your own lives.
On a scale of 1 to 10 on understanding all the world is capable at throwing a person...based on most of these comments, you guys are pretty much wusses.
I think many of you may have your boats rocked and become offended by the choices God will soon make in regards to who will be guiding the Lord's ship.
Though the people who comment on this post are definately a cut closer to understanding the truth when compared to lock step members, most of you are still a far cry from understanding what it's going to take for Zion to be established and bring in the outcasts of the world.
You don't have a clue. Most of these comments concerning Glenn are proof of that.
The people of the earth whom God desires to save in this coming world free for all, are in the types of spiritual holes & pockets in life that is absolutely alien to most of you.
It doesn't mean your lack of understanding is bad, it just means you certainly don't have what it takes to sit at the wheel and remotely know how to deal with what lies ahead.
Much of the "roughness" that people like Glenn process when compared to your more steril upbringing, is going to be the very sorts of life's experiences that will be necessary to carry out the work God has in mind here in the near future.
So before any of you begin setting him up and viewing Glenn as though he were a monkey in the zoo, you might want to reconsider your opinions, or they may become the very opinions that place you humbly at the rear of the line when it comes time for God to appoint Real Leaders.
You are going to be there anyway because you lack "harsh" experience and having overcome it.
Don't misconstrue rough comments as making a person unworthy if the overall spirit of truth lies at the heart of a persons motives.
The pretty girl in the picture of some of these comments she has made, is tip toeing on being unrighteously judgmental.
Name: Paralegal
Comments: I completely agree with the above comment. I could not put it together like that. But yeah, good job bringing it out like that. I think that is the general point that some of us are trying to make in regards to Glen Beck, but somehow the replies take a different direction away from the main point, and after a while, we are discussing (granted, valid points) but are less important than the main point.
I think the gospel itself is more harsh than what most of us realize. The scriptures themselves reflect that. All the accounts in The Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C etc. We see them as "stories" during a church meeting, but how many of us really understand the harsh reality of them, and what is more is exactly the point on this comment above: How many of us realize that all those situations are real today, in our time? Very few, I suppose.
I would not be surprised if someone will quote me on a "potion" of my comments I just made and try to discuss this out of context.
Which is what I say, is how this will go in a different direction as the main point; finding our conversation discussing other branches plit of this discussion instead of that point that has just been made above.
I apologize, my comments are not too clear above.
Life if harsh, the gospel is harsh. Yeah, we should care about all aspects of progression. But, at the end, (I believe) we are going to experiment very harsh situations.
Name: Zack
Comments: Paralegal, you stated my point very clearly and in a less bias way than I tried to make my point.
I think you are absolutely on the money when you say the Scriptures are harsh. They Truly are that way. And you are exactly on the mark with your comment that these are too often viewed as "stories" in Sunday School Class.
The fact of the matter is, God chose Real Life Disfunctional Familes to emphasize the Extreams that Can be faced in life.
I think it is puposely done that way to stress the point of any of us being able to overcome our trials in life when compared to some of those contained in the Scriptures.
If you want to view real life Tradgedy & Triumph in the lives of a Family God chose to represent All of His children here on Earth, then read the life of Jacob & his Family and get the Real Feel for the Tragedy & Family hardships that exist in it.
If you view it as a story as you say so many of us do, then I say that it is because we are Unable to really relate to it's content in our lives and proves the point I was attempting to make....
Some of the impressions of Glenn Beck that have been shared, reflect a person's inability to relate to the deeper context of his messages. And the focus becomes his off the wall approach to sometimes delivering that message.
Seriously, if you find him to be somewhat crude at times by How he speaks, it would be more beneficial to focus on What is being said in Spirit.
As far as the little come back on my pointing the finger at judgemental remarks are concerned... Sometimes the finger is right.
That come back sounded very childish.
Name: Paralegal
Comments: Here we go again, drifting off the point.
I don't know if it is just me, but I understand that this thread started off by commenting on why Beck joined the church. (which is where his "inappropriate" comment about his wife came about). Yeah, it was not the best comment, . . . We have discussed that. But, lets focus on the real purpose of Beck. I think he is sincere when he expresses his concern for the country. I think he has a real, true intent to do good to this country. In my understanding he is a true patriot, he is (in some sort of way) putting himself and family in danger for the good of this country) It has to be true love for the country, the people to do what he does. Granted, he makes money off of that - I don't have a problem with that-.
So, bottom line; I think he should get a "pad in the back" for doing what he does rather than criticizing him for "uuuuh this, or uuuuh that"