'Defender of Israel' Netanyahu praises Glenn
Glenn received high praise from Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu after being named winner of the Miriam & Sheldon Adelson 'Defender of Israel' award at the Zionist Organization of America's Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner. The Prime Minister delivered a statement that was played at the reception and in it he expressed deep gratitude for Glenn and all the supporters who were in attendance. Ref. Source 6
"America, religious bigotry on display" - Glenn rips Chris Matthews
What happens when a no-ratings getting cable news host appears on another no-ratings getting show? It's a very complicated ratings formula, but the end result is zero people watch. That is why Glenn decided to shine the light on Chris Matthews today because of the stunning bigotry on display. Ref. Source 6
Caller makes a great point: Glenn looking "puffy"
It's not every day that a caller steals the show with the best point of the day, but it happened today. The truth has no agenda on GBTV-a statement that has never been more true than when this caller confronted Glenn with allegations of weight gain and a "puffy" appearance. Ref. Source 7
Glenn on throwing support behind Romney
"At least he's not a Commy"
That slogan pretty much sums up how most non-Romney supporters feel now that they are pretty much forced to support him in the general election. Getting amped up to stand behind Romney has proven to be a challenge. Sure, he is a very good family man, strong morals, etc etc -- but it's kinda hard to overlook the fact that he passed the precursor to Obamacare. Which is probably why they came up with the worst campaign slogan ever. Ref. Source 1
Glenn Beck - Questions About Mormonism
"After seeing the way the media tends to portray Mormons as weird and out of the mainstream, I just thought it was worth telling the truth from my perspective," he said, adding, "I can't say I"m a scholar either, but I can say I"m a guy who has honestly examined this faith and attempt to live it every day. Some of it is hard, and some of it is different, but before people believe what they hear in the media, they should at least listen to the other side. Ref. Source 4
What's up with all the members that feel they have this "need" to defend Glenn Beck? The reason I ask this is because I have no problem with those who like him and the things he says, however I feel a lot of them think you're not a good LDS member if you don't support him and I think that's ridiculous.
That's because they don't know how to separate the fact that he's a member with the fact that he is also an "entertainer" (Yes, an entertainer after all that's exactly what he does on tv). For me, he should stop saying he's a member it doesnt help his case.