Busted: Beck harasser caught lying
One of the Bryant Park moviegoers who harassed Glenn and his family wrote a tender defense of her actions, portraying herself in angelic light and denying anything out of the ordinary happened. Apparently this idiot didn't think anyone would ever read her Twitter history, which reveals a very angry person plotting to try and get Glenn to leave. She and her friends tried to delete their accounts - but they weren't quite fast enough. Ref. Source 8
Huffpo stoops to new lows in Beck attack
The laziness is nothing new in the latest Beck smear coming from the Huffington Post - once again they've simply read a phony alert from a Soros paid for blog and reposted it. But this one is beneath even their usual crappy standards. The claim: Listen to that racist Glenn Beck wonder why it's bad to call African Americans 'colored' people. Sounds horrible, right? Not so much when listening to the unedited, unmolested actual conversation. Ref. Source 6
Glenn Beck a credible source?
Word of advice for any college students wanting to use Glenn Beck as a source for any kind of paper or project...DON"T! Last night on GBTV one student told how his teacher scolded him for using "Arguing with Idiots" as a source for a project, but when he listed the indexed sources and hid Beck's name for the same points he suddenly got praised. Ref. Source 2
Oh, that crazy Glenn Beck!
Glenn has taken more heat and been called crazy perhaps more than any other host in history. It's one of two things -- people who know he's right trying to discredit him. OR he is actually totally crazy. How can you find out which is correct? One easy way is to look at the record. Ref. Source 9
Homer Simpson becomes Glenn Beck"¦and Glenn loves it!
Glenn has gone on record saying that he is a big fan of "The Simpsons" for their humor and parody - no matter their popularity or political affiliation of the target. So what did he think when the show turned its attention on him? Ref. Source 4
MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right
MSNBC's coma inducing program "Morning Joe" has a long history of mocking Glenn -- calling him crazy, a fear monger, etc etc. But today they were singing a different tune when an "expert" appeared on their program to inform them about good investments. At the top of the list: Gold. That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right. Ref. Source 8