Super Downsize Me
In this beleaguered economy, you're pinching every penny, but you may not notice that many manufacturers are offering less in the same packaging you've gotten used to. From cereal to peanut butter to toilet paper, "Nightline" correspondent John Donvan looks at the tricks of the trade as companies tighten their own belts. You better read the fine print.
Ref. ABC Nightline
This is nothing new it has been going on since the 80's up here. Started when we went from imperial to metric. Pain and milk one gallon stayed same price went to 4 liter. No drop in price though half a lite is missing. Now it is even more money and has been sucked down to an american gallon 3.89 liters.
Ticks me off as now you have to buy two can to paint a room you a real profit maker that move was.
I'm sure most companies think people don't notice the changes in product sizes. When I shop for foods I check and remember the amount printed on the packaging. I can tell when a large amount of air is put in a package to make it look fuller. I don't like when companies try to trick us consumers. I've noticed some companies are using cheaper materials for price tags or wrapping which is okay as long as food products are still safely packaged.
With the economy in a down turn I have noted the grocery store doing dollar days. This is a real good gimmick just package every thing so that the price is one dollar. The price per kilo is actually increased! Makes sense as now they are using more packaging then prior.