Pregnancy Brain Lapses

Pregnancy Brain Lapses - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 3rd Apr, 2010 - 12:14am

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Memory lapses - forgetting because you are pregnant?
Post Date: 4th Feb, 2010 - 4:30am / Post ID: #

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Pregnancy Brain Lapses

Pregnancy brain lapses 'a myth'

Expectant mums need to stop blaming their bump for memory lapses, say experts who want to dispel the "baby brain" myth. Ref. Source 7

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Post Date: 2nd Apr, 2010 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

Pregnancy Brain Lapses
A Friend

Lapses Brain Pregnancy

I think this is quite arguable on a person to person basis.

I just had my first baby and I noticed two things with my memory:
1. I forgot a lot of smaller things - I.e. My car keys, locking the front door etc.
2. I was better at remembering lists of things and multitasking.

However I've always had a great memory when it comes to phone numbers and work stock codes and the like.

However I think that the changing situation is likely to cause an equal amount of memory problems. A woman is facing a new experience, changing body and a whole new area of life. Who can claim that in a new situation they always remember everything they know or have been taught?

3rd Apr, 2010 - 12:14am / Post ID: #

Pregnancy Brain Lapses Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I noticed with my girlfriend when she was pregnant that she dropped things a lot. She also seemed to forget simple things often.

> TOPIC: Pregnancy Brain Lapses


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