Save with coupons?

Save Coupons - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 12th Jul, 2006 - 5:14am

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18th Aug, 2003 - 9:48am / Post ID: #

Save with coupons?

Does Clipping Coupons Really Save You Money?

Here's the catch: They are usually only good if you actually spend more than you would without them. In other words, you may not need an item, but because it seems to be cheap with the coupon you end up buying it because you think you are saving money.

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Post Date: 18th Aug, 2003 - 4:12pm / Post ID: #

Save with coupons?
A Friend

coupons Save

Does Clipping Coupons Really Save You Money?

It does with me.  When I used to buy diapers for my baby, I would use the coupons for some of the baby items that I normally bought.  But I don't use coupons to buy my food.  I do my grocery shopping at Walmart and they do this 'comp ad' thing.  Where they will sell a food item for the same price as one of local grocery stores (as long as it wasn't advertised for a ridiculously low price like buy one get one free or spend such and such amount and get a certain item for 10 cents).  I usually comp ad veggies and fruits, and some of the meats that the kids and Shady like to eat.  I usually come out cheaper by comp adding the things that I usually buy.

23rd Aug, 2003 - 3:10am / Post ID: #

Save with coupons? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Does Clipping Coupons Really Save You Money?

I have found that, even with the coupon discount, there is usually the store brand that is cheaper.  Sometimes, though, if the item itself is on sale and *then* you use the coupon, you can save a little bit.  But it's more a waste of my time to clip the coupons, and my time is more valuable than a few pennies off the price of green beans.

In my opinion, of course.

23rd Aug, 2003 - 3:19pm / Post ID: #

coupons Save

We don't have all those coupons stuff in Trinidad :smile.gif I miss all those good deals in Walmart!!!! sad.gif oh well, that happens when I am living in the third world lol ;D

11th Jul, 2006 - 8:27pm / Post ID: #

coupons Save

I don't tend to use that many coupons, as they never really seem to be for what I buy.
If however there is a really good offer on, then I will save the coupons and then do a big shop, using the coupons, I can then save quite a bit of money.

Both Tesco and Asda-Walmart, give out a free magazine with coupons available inside, so I tend to shop on the day at the supermarket that has the best coupon offers on.

Hey.. all's fair in love and war as they say laugh.gif
You've got to shop where you save the most money!

Post Date: 12th Jul, 2006 - 5:14am / Post ID: #

Save with coupons?
A Friend

Save with coupons?

For all the time it takes to find, clip, and sort out coupons, I don't see that they really help that much. If time is money, then coupons are a waste of money. Half the time its things I don't use. The other half they are coupons that either still don't put the brand below the store brand, or they are for huge sizes of the name brand.

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