When it comes to colds, flu, stomach bugs, and ear infections, everyone has a theory. Some have been passed down through generations, or are based on outdated science. A few just seem like common sense. But whatever their origin, many just aren't true. The facts behind these myths:
Quote--Colds cause ear infections
The truth: It does seem that way, but all colds are caused by viruses, while 90 percent of ear infections are caused by bacteria.
This was interesting to learn, but also that all colds are caused by viruses, as I was brought up with the belief that you could 'catch' a cold by going out not dressed warm enough, or by going out in the rain.
Funny how things that often aren't accurate are passed down from generation to generation!
The fever thing is so true we try not to over medicate so tend to herbs that help boost the immune system. Playing in a tub of warm water is a great one we find for it, cools and child is very happy!
The cold and ear ache is related since you sinus drains into your nose and ears. It is all connected. Problem is many say oh his ear is infected because it just has liquid in it causing discomfort. If left and the liquid stays for a long time infection may set in as a result but is not normal.
I can still remember my mom getting us all dressed to play out side even when we wee sick but no fever. As we walked out she would shut the heat off an open window every room for an hour. She claimed it aired out smells and helped kill germs! It might have cause it did get darn cold in there before the windows were shut and heat put back on and any with a runny nose dumped in a warm tub till the house warmed back up.