Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree - Christmas - Posted: 11th Dec, 2006 - 5:42am

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Post Date: 17th Dec, 2005 - 3:52am / Post ID: #

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Describe what your current Christmas Tree looks like in detail including lights, ornaments and what is on the top of the tree.

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20th Dec, 2005 - 4:48am / Post ID: #

Tree Christmas

I have a rather boring Christmas tree this year. It is 7'6" tall with a 4' diameter base. It has all white lights which flash in about 10 different sections (4 sections currently do not flash). There are somewhat scattered 3" balls (2 dozen in all) half silver and half purple. A large silver bow dangles from just below the tip of the tree. I unfortunately do not have a star on my tree this year, it wouldn't clear the low ceilings in my new house. A small single strand of silver tinsel wraps 5 times around weaving between branches. There are about 6 or so odd ornament scattered around the tree (most Nascar related) and one pewter heart ornament on a red ribbon (my and my fiancee's first Christmas together last year). A plastic tree this is and rather simple, but a silver wrap lies beneath all this accenting the lights as they flash above it.

Kind of plain I know, but it will do for this year. starblue.gif' /><!--endemo-->  </p><div> </div> </div>



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20th Dec, 2005 - 12:59pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Tree Christmas

Kind of plain I know, but it will do for this year

If you think yours look plain, wait to read this wink.gif

Our recent move took us to a very small apartment and there is no space for extra things. Our Christmas tree this year is an extremely small 2 feet tree with little colorful decorations and some flashing lights that Felipe loves to watch. Very, very simple.

20th Dec, 2005 - 1:11pm / Post ID: #

Tree Christmas

extremely small 2 feet tree

I used a small tree for many years. The only reason I have a big one now is because of my fiancee Cherry.

Post Date: 20th Dec, 2005 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Christmas Tree
A Friend

Tree Christmas

Our tree is only about four-five feet tall this year because we only put up half of it. We have regular multi-colored lights that really seem vibrant this year. Out tree topper is a beautiful angel whose fiberoptic wings change color. She was actually a table topper that my mom converted into a tree topper. Our decorations are almost all sentimental/antique. Several of them were ornaments I made as a child in school and church, and some that were given to us by family members, etc. I love our tree because there are no bought ornaments on it.

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2005 - 12:33am / Post ID: #

Christmas Tree
A Friend

Christmas Tree

I have had ten dollar trees for a few years. this year, I was able to get a nice tree, one with fiber optic lights. I shouldn't have to replace this tree for a few years hopefully. the fiber optics blink intermittently and looks really cool.

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11th Dec, 2006 - 5:42am / Post ID: #

Christmas Tree

This is the first year my husband and I have had a tree at all. Last year was our first married Christmas, but we were visiting family for 3 weeks so we didn't see the need to buy a tree. This year I happened to get a foot and a half tall tree for 50 cents at a yardsale over the summer. It came with a garland, lights and a plastic star, as well as a few little somewhat cheap-looking ornaments. If our baby is born too close to Christmas, we will end up staying here, in which case I think my husband will insist on getting a larger tree, and I don't blame him!

> TOPIC: Christmas Tree


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