Help for the couch potato (someone that likes to sit infront of the TV eatting potato chips and other junk food) at last:
FOOD LABELS TO REVEAL ARTERY-CLOGGING TRANS FAT Consumers are about to get a better idea of just how unhealthy some brands of potato chips, cookies, even margarines really are: Food labels will soon be required to reveal how much artery-clogging trans fat they contain. Read More... |
I heard about this on the news this morning. I think that it's a really good idea. Plus, people should be more aware of what they are eating. Although, some people don't read the labels, but at least the ones that do read the labels will know what is in the packaged food they are eating.
I find myself checking the food labels a lot, you will not believe the amount of calories a couple of teaspoon of salad dressing has! or peanuts!. Most of our fat is hidden on this kind of foods and that's why we put so much on weight and we think we havent eatting that much.
It has been well over a year now since this story broke and food labels have been more up to date with info on trans fat content etc. Has it made a difference in the number of couch potatoes out there and the number of obese people? Last time I heard a story on obesity in the US, the number had increased instead of decreased. Maybe it is time to start taxing junk food, or making them more expensive, and start giving financial perks for eating healthier instead of the other way around. It seems those who want to eat healthy have to pay a pretty penny to do so!
Obese women fitter than obese men, study finds
Reuters - Obese men may be less physically fit than obese women, perhaps because they are more likely to have diabetes or pre-diabetes and tend to have more abdominal fat, Dutch researchers reported Monday.
Obese men, girls see unusual testosterone levels
Obese men often experience a sharp decline in testosterone levels while obese girls show much higher levels of the sex hormone than girls of normal weight, according to scientific research released on Monday.