Name: Jorodrig
Title: Trinidad third world status
Comments: The term 'Third World' is used less often at least in the developed world. These days non-developed nations are often referred to as 'Developing nations' or 'emerging nations-economies' Whatever the classification, a long classification among political scientists states that: A 'third world' and now 'developing nation' mentality include but is not limited to a state whereby the population are often preoccuped with what is Wrong with their country and Not what can be done to fix it. You see this in many regions of the world where the population rises up to remove a leader and when success is achieved, there is great celebration only to be faced with the reality that Political success does NOT equal economic prosperity. This is turn results within short time to attempt to then remove the newly elected with yet another and the cycle continues.
Other factors includes a cycle of poverty: poor people make children into poverty who in turn make children who are also stuck in poverty and the cycles continue.
It is my opinion that Trinidad is NOT a third world country and is best stated as a developing nation.
The issues of a lack of understanding of environmental impact for waste disposal is clearly lacking. A strong dependence that the Government can fix all problems and generally a Top down economy with too much dependence on Oil revenues all contribute to many of the issues facing Trinidad. Trinidad is very small and has great natural resources and a good level of literacy the challenge is to harness all the nations resources for the betterment of its people. Unfortunately this is hampered by politics.
Source: Educated Author.
T&T is currently a third world country because it's not just the environment in a mess but a lot of the people here have reckless behavior to a lot of things. How can Trinidad and Tobago can develop if the people are not going to make an effort to make that happen? If they continue to not care then the simple result is that this island is not going anywhere.
The casual way Trinis react to serious issues make us really backward. We should be protesting the streets about crime, high prices and injustice among the people.
Name: George
Title: Third world status
Comments: We had all the opportunities to climb out of the classification as a third world status during the seventies when the country was booming. Instead of stealing squandering and wasting our income, politicians should have made sure that we were advancing to a higher status.
They could have eliminated poverty, build better recreation facilities, improve our medical facilities and welfare systems to match those of many advanced societies.
They could have improved our roads with better pavements and lighting instead of trying to build a road structure that resembles a concrete jungle. Moreover, they could have introduced better portable water supplies eliminate outside latrines introduced more diversification, more trade training and opportunities for our upcoming generations.
Finally, they could have made sure that some form of legislation was in place to encourage racial integration and that senior positions in our police ad security system were equally racially divided thus avoiding the racial division that now exists in our politics.and government departments.
It is now too late to escape us being branded as a third world country, and with the depletion of our oil and gas resources, it looks like we will always be now labelled still as a struggling developing third word nation.
Look at how long it takes to get things done and when it is 'done' is not professional looking. We have out own pitch lake yet our roads are some of the worst ever. Services are non-existent and people treat you like if you are begging them for something. Trinis have no manners, no class just say whatever and do whatever… that is the attitude that makes a true island in the sea.
Name: Basdeo
Title: A third world country
Comments: When it comes to the standard of living T&T is not a third world country. It is a wealthy country without real poverty. However, as the country has many deficiencies it cannot be considered a firts world country. The major reason is the poor law inforcement and the extremely high crime rate.
Name: David
Title: Trinidad is a third world country
Comments: Trinidad is a third world country where most of the government officials are [allegedly] linked to drug trade, where people bribing is a everyday thing natural as the sun rising and setting. There are literally no laws, only for the poor people… People like [..] and her crew have illegal businesses all over the island, and it is allowed. If you try to make a police report the police station was already payed off so they won't accept any reports. She is allowed to kill, and rob innocent people because it is okay for her to bribe the government in this third world country. There was a documentary done by Anthony Bourdain where he sets sail for the Caribbean to scope out the island nation of Trinidad and Tobago. In this film he states that there is a lot that is not said here.... Even he saw underneath all the nancy stories and mamaguying Trinis do… a dark and dismal place where criminals rule....