Hello, I'm Shay. It's nice to meet you all. I came by here about a year ago, while looking for a good online community for chats and gaming. This looked like a great place, but a busy schedual with school kept me from getting involved. I added the site to my favorites, said "I'll check it out when I've got more time to devote," and nearly forgot I had been here. Now, with more time on my hands, I'm looking to make good on my original intent to join your community.
In less that a year's time, I'll be starting out in law school. My undergraduate carreer is all finished now, and I've only to wait for the fall semester of 2007 to begin. Since I know I'll be spending a lot of time at home, during the next four years, I thought that this would be an excellent place to look to for a creative outlet.
Shaytalis is the name of the first D&D character I ever had, so it's stuck with me as a nickname. It's nice, since the name doesn't come from any books or movies--I always have my handle-of-choice available when I need to register a username. My first character was a rogue/paladin fox hengeyokai in D&D 3rd edition. I've since played and GMed in a variety of game settings, from Ironclaw to Aberrant. I love trying new things, and like to be inventive with my character concepts. When joining a party, I typically try to find what the party "needs". This typically puts me playing the medic, of course. Perhaps the favorite class I have played from the core D&D is a bard.
I look forward to meeting and playing with all of you. Greetings!
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