Where's the outrage over black-on-black killings?
It was a brief conversation, a few minutes of aimless chatter that quickly went from awkward laughter to muffled crying. I called her to say how devastated I was to hear that her son had been killed. His death was reported in the final paragraph of a short crime story in The (Baltimore) Sun that gave the bare facts of his demise.
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20070102/...onblackkillings
I think there needs to be more of a outrage of anyone getting killed by another. Some people feel that in the projects or other slum areas that the killings are just another part of living there. I say baloney to this. No one should have their lives ended early. I do not care where you come from. Your parents told you at a early age that killing another is wrong. The bible tells us that killing is wrong. If you area person killing others then you are sealing your fate a fate I would not want to face.