I will remember 2 things about Pelosi:
1) her marching onto Capitol Hill with that gavel on the first day and basically saying things are going to change and that she was going to steward the "most open congress in history".
The US was signaling it wanted to move in a different direction than the confontational style of Bush. They wanted typical Washington politics to be done away with, but that isn't exactly what we got. The power of the super majority made the President and his Speaker of the House some what a current day Animal Farm prime example of absolute power corrupts absolutely and the adminstration catered to the agenda of the extreme left. This has been a bit much for the moderates of both sides that have voted for Obama.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
Pelosi: Elections shouldn't matter as much as they do
A shocking (even for Nancy Pelosi) piece of audio from the House Minority Leader is making news today. She was recorded explaining that the GOP needs to 'take their party back' so that it doesn't matter who wins elections. That's not a ringing endorsement for establishment GOP -- it's an admission that they are all big government progressives. Their shared enemy? The Tea Party. Ref. Source 1
Whoa! CBS anchor destroys Nancy Pelosi
Bob Schieffer went after Nancy Pelosi this weekend, cornering her on comments she made during the Bush era that he had 'failed' because gas was $3 a gallon and unemployment was at 5 percent Her commentary was idiotic back then - but her answer to Schieffer's questioning could actually be even more insane. Ref. Source 9
Pelosi: GOP = Satan
Nancy Pelosi has once said that 'the Word' is her favorite word (who asks someone what their favorite word is?) - and this week she showed just how fond she is of the Bible. While talking about the debt ceiling debate, Pelosi said that Obama had more patience than Job - which according to the story would seem to indicate that the GOP in this analogy is the devil. Thanks for the new, kinder rhetoric Nance! Ref. Source 4
Fear monger? Pelosi says GOP hates food safety, clean air, clean water
The left often accuses the GOP of fear mongering, so Nancy Pelosi's latest rant would seem to qualify as hypocrisy. Pelosi skipped the pleasantries and told union workers that the GOP wants to 'destroy' everything, adding that they hate food safety, clean air and clean water. Man it's tough being a Republican - so much hatin' to do, so little time! Ref. Source 2
Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took her pro-abortion rhetoric to a new level, today saying Republicans "want women to die on the floor" in expressing her opposition to a bill stopping taxpayer funding of abortions in Obamacare.
"For a moment, I want to get back to what was asked about the issue on the floor today that Mr. Hoyer address," Pelosi said. "He made a point and I want to emphasize it. Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor and health care providers do not have to intervene if this bill is passed. It's just appalling."
Pelosi is bastardizing a portion of the bill that reinstates conscience protections for pro-life medical workers who don't want to be involved in abortions.
The Protect Life Act makes it clear that no funds authorized or appropriated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), including tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, may be used to pay for abortion or abortion coverage. It specifies that individual people or state or local governments must purchase a separate elective abortion rider or insurance coverage that includes elective abortion but only as long as that is done with private funds and not monies authorized by Obamacare.
The bill also specifies that insurance issuers may offer health plans that include elective abortion and may offer separate elective abortion riders, so long as they ensure PPACA funds are not used for premiums or administrative costs. The bill also clarifies that issuers who offer elective abortion coverage must also offer a qualified health benefits plan that is identical except that it does not cover elective abortion. Ref. Source 4