Grilled Salmon Steaks In Sauce

Grilled Salmon Steaks Sauce - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 28th Aug, 2009 - 5:54pm

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Archived Recipe: Barbeque
Post Date: 28th Aug, 2009 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

Grilled Salmon Steaks In Sauce

Recipe name:
Grilled Salmon Steaks In Sauce

Recipe Type Recipe category:

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Recipe Ingredients Recipe detials:

6 Salmon steak

1 c Wine, white

1/8 ts Cinnamon

4 Scallion -- finely minced

1 tb Lemon juice

1/8 ts Ginger

Salt -- to taste

Take a Salmond and cut him rounde, chyne and all, and roste the peces on a gredirne; And take wyne, and pouder of Canell, and drawe it thorgh a streynour; And take smale mynced oynons, and caste there-to, and lete hem boyle; And then take vynegre, or vergeous, and pouder ginger, and cast there-to; And then ley the samon in a dissh, and cast the sirip theron al hote, & serue it forth. Broil the salmon steaks, after brushing them with some cooking oil or melted butter. Meanwhile, put scallions in a saucepan with wine and cinnamon and bring to a boil; turn down heat and simmer gently. When salmon steaks are browned on both sides, add the lemon juice and ginger to the sauce. Put salmon on a serving dish and pour the sauce over it.

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