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Krakyn Introduction - Page 23
Shall do I often forget abut the support threads which is bad. Since they help other who may have a similar question.
Just a strange fact of life being ten and in a school where you stand out managed to put my son in the lime late of late.
He was at school and a class mate said her friend (grade3) and the friends brother where having sex on a regular basis. My son being well informed stared at her in disbelief as he knows what is involved and says to her that is very wrong. She casually states that her friend likes it and makes her feel good. My son then asked to be meet her. So they found here at recess and the three had a conversation, in which my son blatantly asked why she let her brother put his penis in her Virgina and the two girls looked at him and started making faces and general where grossed out. They two then told my son that sex is just sleeping naked in the same bed. He laughed at them and said no that is what leads up to sex ad that she better stop or he is going to tell the teacher. They started asking him how he knew this and he nicely told them that his father talked to him about how babies are made and that he could ask any question about it that he wanted.
Luckily for us he told us this when he came home and we soon discovered that we knew the parents of this child and my wife spoke to the mother about it and she was not very happy that we knew. She did thank my wife for coming to her and not the teachers about it and that she would speak to them about it.
The brother in this case was almost 13 so he knew full well what he was doing and it was likely just a mater of time before a serious crime would have been committed.
Just proves that information is the best weapon for our children but one question still lingers in my mind about this and that is what if we did not know the mother and father. I am unsure how I would have handled it, as if the school board gets involved that means so does children's aid and months of surveillance for that family. At the same time I would not be able to do nothing knowing a 13 male is sleeping naked with a 9 year old girl sister or not.
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5th Jan, 2007 - 6:43pm Signature: Stand up for God and he will stand up for you.