Krakyn Introduction - Page 7
Thank you
JB and LDS. So far I got up so listen to why my two boys should stay at home again today and not go to school(we had a snow day yesterday and the schools were closed).
I just stopped in, while sipping a coffee and will head back to see why three of our biggest customers are getting a lower than normal hydro bill! I think is be due to so many people being at home yesterday and production in many plants were decreased.
Oh and I broke my snow blower I think. Smoke and a burning rubber smell spewed forth this morning after 15 minutes. I hope it be just a bearing if not it will be recycling time for it. It is a 1975 vintage and not worth spending any more monies on as parts are scarce and getting more expensive. Me shovel still seems to be working on the other hand.
I Love winter! It is a clear crisp day the kind I love best so it is a good day thus far! Time 10:10 Am.
PS LDS I seldom have cake I hope you like apple pie!
Edited: krakyn on 15th Feb, 2007 - 3:10pm