Democrats will win two key U.S. Senate seats in Indiana and Massachusetts, CNN projects.
Democrat Rep. Joe Donnelly will beat Richard Mourdock to win the open U.S. Senate seat for Indiana, CNN projects.
The race attracted national attention, first for the defeat of sitting Sen. Richard Lugar in the GOP primary and then when Mourdock said during a debate: "Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, it is something that God intended."
Democrat Elizabeth Warren will beat Sen. Scott Brown to oust him from his U.S. Senate seat for Massachusetts, CNN projects.
Warren will become the first woman to represent Massachusetts in the Senate, replacing Brown who won a partial term after the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy. Ref. CNN
Most people look at the President when looking at votes for House leaders, so considering the down slide of Pres. Obama its not surprising that the GOP may make gains, but only just.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 17 1.7%
Don't "Vote for the Candidate"
There is a noble-sounding attitude that many Americans hold regarding whom they vote for. "I vote for the candidate," they say. It sure sounds good. Voting for the best candidate, rather than the party, sounds as American as apple pie. But as the Democratic Party has become a doctrinaire left-wing party, this sentiment is no longer noble. It is actually foolish and dangerous. There was a time when there were terrific Democrats whom an independent and even a Republican could vote for. Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman was such an example. He was a liberal - he believed in the... Ref. Source 9
If It Damages America, It's Good for Democrats
In almost every area of American life, the better things are, the worse it is for the Democratic Party. And vice versa. Marriage. Even today, after decades of feminism, most Americans agree that it is better for women (And for men) - and better for society - when women (And men) marry. Yet, when women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party; and when women do not marry, even after - or shall we say, especially after - having children, it is quite wonderful for the Democratic Party. Married women vote Republican. Unmarried women lopsidedly vote Democrat. It is both... Ref. Source 3
The Democrats’ Preoccupation with Inequality
If you want to understand today’s Democratic Party, a word search of the Democrats’ debate last week provides a pretty clear picture. Here is how many times key words were spoken: Wall Street: 23 Tax: 20 Inequality: 9 Wealthy: 7 Now, compare the number of times other national concerns were mentioned: ISIS: 4 Terror/ists/ism: 2 Defense: 2 Military (Excluding Jim Webb): 1 Freedom: 1 Debt (National): 0 Liberty: 0 Strength: 0 Armed forces: 0 Islamist/Islamic: 0 Material inequality is the predominant concern of the Democratic Party. Indeed, material inequality has been the... Ref. Source 4q
In a surprise turn of events, Senate Democrats announced that they are boycotting a committee vote on two of President Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees, drawing fury from Republicans.
The Senate Finance Committee was set to vote on the nominations of Rep. Tom Price to lead the Department of Health and Human Services and Steve Mnuchin for Treasury secretary. Ref. CNN.
This is clearly obstruction. I hate how the country is going. I'm not a President Trump fan. But the same party that screamed about the Republicans being obstructionist is now parroting the think they railed against. We are not in a good place. Give the man a chance. Yes, the roll out of the last EO was mishandled… but the intent is sound. Let's see how this goes.